Why Can't Overwatch Have A Similar-enough Competitive Environment As Other Online Competitive Multiplayer Games?

To be honest, that extra layer of deterrent is negligible. I’ll be honest, I’m guilty of smurfing in CSGO (Its funny to be called an aimbotter by peeps who play so carelessly and predictably that I can easily one-tap or wallbang them constantly per round), and having another layer of deterrent such as requiring mobile phone numbers, which can be crudely bypassed for a dollar via pre-paid sim cards… which I’ve been doing in CSGO… yeah, I really don’t think it’ll help much or at all. You’re gonna need something tougher than that.

You see, this part of Comp isn’t what’s really bothering me at all because I honestly don’t care about that part of matchmaking… unless its in line with how match maker repeatedly queue’s people together with the same guy from yesterday, the day before, so on and so forth, despite already hitting SR gaps touching the 1000 SR barrier. Its like the matchmaker doesn’t truly match players with other players of the same SR/MMR when clearly there are way more players despite percentages.