Why can't I get out of silver?

So, I’m a kid and don’t have all the time in the world so I can’t just play and play. My past seasons, i’m silver and i’m always in silver. I’m a support main and have been doing groups with competitive, is solo queuing better? I deserve to be at least in gold. So should I solo queue? How can I get out of silver? I made another account, and got placed high plat.

this isnt a bug. also heres a tip to climb, win more then you lose


Git gud

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If that was true then you would be gold.

Focus on getting better with your hero pool, not on climbing.

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For some odd reason it would only let me write the topic as a bug, not general discussion

Because you don’t have a OW Battletag/PS4/Xbox/Switch account linked to this account you’re posting with

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Oh, and sorry’s to be annoying but one last question, do you think It’s better to solo queue or find a group?

Unless you have friends to make a group with then you should solo.


do You guys agree that I shouldn’t solo queue until I hit 3000 if that ever happens?

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In my opinion the ranking system is greatly flawed. First thing, a simple 4-digit number is not capable of capturing the complex entirety of a player’s capabilites.

Second, the system measures your abilites primarily on the outcome of the match. (Many people say, factors other than win or defeat also influence the SR you get but I have never seen any substantial proof for that, and Blizzard doesn’t disclose how the SR is exactly calculated, maybe because they fear some people might not agree with the calculations, maybe because it’s so flawed that people would instantly know what to do to get more SR.)

Third, because the result of a game is mainly determined by the 11 other players you get stuck with in a match, you have very little influence (about one twelth) on the outcome.

Fourth, the 11 other players are picked by the game so they have about the same SR as you. Those SRs are also just determined the same way yours was. In the end, everyone is assigned an SR which they are not substantially responsible for. This way, the system is basically designed to keep your SR about where it is.

Some people also believe the placement matches have a big influence on your SR. According to my experience, they havn’t. I have seen people winning all placement matches and still getting bronze rank. The only thing that has a real effect on your rank is the hidden SR you start with the first time you play a competetive match. This SR is mainly influenced by the quick plays you play before. This sounds incredible but it is what I have really observed and what many players report indirectly by saying that they got a much higher rating after playing with a new account. And after all, I don’t believe the only reason why you have to play a certain number of quick plays before you are allowed to go competetive is for getting used to OW. I strongly believe these games are used to determine your initial SR.

Also, I just played three games, the second game one person left which caused my team to throw, the third one, 2 people left! People in low ranks are such sore losers it sucks!

in opinion when you are bronze to 3000 join a group when you hit diamond solo queue thats how i climbed went bronze to masters