No doubt you’ll get people trying to argue that Geoff said they won’t change her weaknesses, so let me stop them in their tracks by actually quoting the post in question:
The highlighted part is the important part. It’s basically saying, “IF A HERO’S WEAKNESSES ARE TOO MUCH, WE WILL BUFF THAT PART”.
27 of the 28 heroes have at least one form of mobility or self-sustain. The only exception is Orisa. Of the others, 2 heroes stand out as lacking any good mobility/self-sustain. McCree has a 6m roll on 8 second cooldown (for context, the only mobility abilities with a longer cooldown are Sym’s Teleporter, Rein’s Charge and Pharah’s Jump Jets), and Ana has a 100hp heal on 10 second cooldown.
That’s all they each have. In both cases, I would class both as having weaknesses that are too severe. It’s something nearly all the rest of the cast has, it’s not that valuable for mobility/ss in either case, and both are on long cooldowns. Ana needs to either get better SS, or some mobility. Now that’s not to say that her Nade needs to be on a shorter cooldown, the anti-heal part of it IS deserving of the 10 second CD, but she does need better self-healing.