Why can't Ana self-heal?

I find it odd that all the healer can self heal but she can’t. Her granade is very useful and I hate having to waste it just to heal up. she needs a self heal.

So I think every time Ana heals she should get 50% back. so since she does 60 per shot (I think) she’d get 30 hps back.


Is this a clickbait title or are you confused?
…I’m confused

She has 20 HP per second regeneration (without being damaged).

It is weird Mercy can’t self heal isnt it…

Sorry I messed up the title, I am in a another thread talking about Mercy, so I typed her name

let me change the title…

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lol no worries, yeah this is a common complaint/request for Ana. The grenade is such a valuable ability that it’s really annoying to have to burn a cooldown on yourself. I like the idea of a passive, I think it would be the easiest solution without making her busted or cluttered. Some people say 2 grenades, some people say a new ability that lets her inject herself/shoot herself but I think some kinda passive is the way to go.

Unfortunately it seems the dev team likes Ana having this “weaknesses”


Ana can fire once every 0.8 seconds, healing 75HP per shot.

That would give her a rate of about 45 HP regen per second, provided she’s firing at an ally. Combine that with her grenade and she gets an easy 90HP regen every second.

…I’m thinking that’s a little OP.

15% is the number that is more balanced you want

She heals around the same as Lucio per her rate of fire


Feels so weird Ana just cannot shoot herself with her Biotic Rifle to self-heal …

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Right? She’s shooting needles, you gonna tell me she can’t just stab herself with a needle or something?

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It’d probably be better if she heals off enemies.

I think a passive where she heals a portion of healing dealt would be the easiest to implement and least broken. I don’t normally mind healing with the grenade and would suggest buffing the cooldown so she could use it more often but don’t want to do that since anti-heals more frequently could potentially become problematic. Alternatively, they could put healing/antihealing grenades on separate abilities with separate cooldowns, or let her choose which effect to use à la Moira’s orbs.

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Yeah I didn’t know how much she healed, it can be less, like 20hps/15hps.

Yeah, should she be able just to like shot her self in the foot or something.

I agree with you although 50% is too high. Ana shouldn’t have every support survivability weakness (no defensive ult, no self heal, no high dps, no mobility). It leads to a way too many deaths for this poor granny.

I think the problem with her ‘weaknesses’ is that she already has too many.

She gets shut down by dive & barriers, no mobility and no self heal. I think the first two is already enough to make her ‘self-heal’ weakness, unecessary. I get that shes supposed to be hard to play, but making her hard to play for the sake of it without addressing her issues is a problem.


I disagree. Ana wasting her grenade comes from having fought off a flanker or receives chip damage where she’s low hp. Because of this the next attacker can easily kill her due to being below 200 or 100 hp. She needs to heal outside of a skirmish with an attacker so that she can again defend herself. This gives a fine weakness because 9 times out of ten Ana is going to use her grenade while defending herself anyway. It’s after that causes problems for her and her team.

Or at least just an idea, when she shoots enemies make a very short effect to prevent healing. Roadhog gonna heal, shoot him, can’t make full use of healing.

This wouldn’t help her survivability, only make other players hate playing against her (and those magic words means a nerf meteor)

Drink tea to regain health!!!

I think it’s also a super hypocritical philosophy for them to have, I think Jeff was the one who said this and it was a bit after the crazy overbuff to Hanzo