Why can we not buy player icons?

This. I know this has been asked a million and one times, but why can’t we get these. It’s usually that we either have to rely on the loot box RNG to get the one you want or you’d get some for free from certain events or something happening (Overwatch league).

Just why have we never been able to buy these?

It’s not like its impossible either, remember the event skins you couldn’t buy until they made them purchasable with currency? Please let us be able to buy these.


I always wanted the US flag. Both summer events, haven’t gotten it once.

Can’t Blizzard just let me be patriotic :triumph:


I know your pain, luckily I was able to get that one, but I really wanted the golden pachimari from anniversary.

I didn’t get the Swedish flag until the second games so, i feel your pain. Atleast 1/2 of the pain.

Yeah, the fact that you’d have to try for two or three times for the event just one player icon isn’t right.

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I got the gold Pachimari actually. I used it for a while, but eventually gave it up for the Cute Hero Player Icons.



What a beautiful picture.

Anyway, I agree. 150+ lootboxes AND STILL NO REAPER PLAYER ICON. BUT, OH, DON’T WORRY, I constantly get useless player icons for characters I didn’t even know existed.


I didn’t want to make a post concerning this so apologies but, On the subject of icons:
If I play Xbox and PS4, how does the new forums decide which icon to use for my profile?
It’s currently using my Xbox icon, but I want to use my PS4 icon for the forums.
I unlinked my XBL account from blizzard but it still shows my Xbox icon. Which is weird because ‘PlayOverwatch’ and the old forums shows my PS4 icon.
Any ideas?

They did say something about PC and Console having that issue, but not console to console, so can’t really help you there.

Getting back on topic, this wouldn’t be an issue if I could just BUY the icon I wanted on Xbox and just leave it at that.
Doesn’t make sense to me

Exactly, we wouldn’t have to wait for however long to get an icon (especially for events). The amount of duplicate icons I get instead of a new one is pretty frustrating.

Loot boxes are already littered with them, but you never seem to get the one you specifically want. I was lucky to get both the Torb Viking skin and Player Icon in the same loot box in 2017 Halloween event.