I know this is late to the table but it still bothers me so i’m gonna talk about it. Last update was pretty good except for the fact that career profiles can be private I personally hate this because if i’m making an LFG sometimes I can’t see what players play and its annoying. Another reason why I hate it is I like to do 4 stacks a lot and if a player makes a questionable pick (widow, tracer,etc.) I like to check their time to see if they can actually succeed as that hero it also helps in case we need a desperate swap we can check if one of the randoms can play the following hero.
yup, it’s the only bad thing about that update. it’ll make throwing way easier.
Because people use career profiles to be toxic a**hats?
The community is full of children sometimes so that’s why we can’t have nice things.
To make people who can’t argue on the internet insane and/or more obvious to the rest of us for the amusement of all.
And that’s why we can make our profiles private.
We dont need people checking stats and hours and using them as an excuse to be toxic or pressure others.
I’ve said it before. It doesn’t matter if someone has 300 hours on Mercy and Mercy only, if they picked McCree then you’ve got a McCree. Seeing their profile doesn’t change the fact that you’ve got a McCree. If they wanted to play Mercy-- they would’ve picked her. But they didn’t.
That’s all you need to know. Either just talk to them and ask who they can play or work with what you’ve got. And if they start throwing then report them like anyone else.
Nothing has changed.
My proposal to this is that team leader should be available for see teammates profiles.
but what if they have only have like 4 hours on a high skill hero then obviously I’m gonna be nervous because when we are going into a comp game we need to pick heroes we can play successfully but if their doing QP then it doesn’t really matter because you just goof off
Uh oh, another butt hurt player that can’t be a dictator anymore and tell others what they should play based on their play history.
Cries in private profile
bro this is for competitive not quickplay mess around in quickly not comp
You can be nervous all you like; it still doesn’t change the fact that you’ve got a McCree.
You have no idea how good someone is on a hero until you actually see them play. I’ve BODIED Widow mains with 200hrs on them in sniper duels when I’m a Genji main. I also have better stats on overbuff with her than Widow mains in Diamond/Masters while I’m sitting in gold. What does that say?
Nothing. Because they’re just stats and hours out of context.
Always give your team’s picks a chance. It doesnt matter if you have a hanzo main picking Dva. Let them run Dva for a while and see how it goes.
That might not even be their main account. They might have come over from another platform. They might have an alt account where all they play is Dva— you’ve got no idea.
Just talk to your team. And give them the same chance you’d want someone to give you.
The reason I brought this up is I find it annoying that people will play heroes in competitive that they might underperform as. If I don’t feel comfortable with their pick I Kindly ask them to swap but if they re assure me their getting picks thats fine And remember this isn’t for quickplay because qp doesn’t really matter that much
The interesting thing about LFG groups, is that if someone isn’t working out you can replace them with someone else.
yes but I hate it when I lose because someone thought they could carry as tracer with bronze elims
That’s the entire problem though. You’re not even giving them a chance. You’re deciding you’re uncomfortable because of a bar on a screen.
Now that profiles are private everyone gets the benefit of a blank slate. Everyone gets the chance to let their gameplay speak for itself instead of being pigeonholed into a certain hero or a certain role before you even leave spawn. And that’s awesome.
I made mine public just because I wanted my overbuff page back LOL. That’s it really. And I’m proud of the hours I have on my heroes so I dont care if someone checks them.
You need to trust your team dude. If you arent willing to give someone’s pick a chance for 30 seconds, then you really shouldn’t be playing comp until you get comfortable with the idea of it. How can you expect to win when you’re judging everyone for everything but their actual gameplay?
I have NEVER in all my 700 hours of OW seen someone get bullied off based on career profile I also want to say that it shouldn’t be defaulted these forums are the only place i’ve seen people actually think there healthy for competitive
If the person with 2 hours on tracer is getting picks thats fine im 100% ok with them playing tracer but i trust my instincts when I feel nervous about their pick because of the little experience they have because usually the person with the odd pick isn’t pulling their own weight and sometimes I have been proven wrong with that and im happy I have been but im not going to trust the 2% off chance that they will succeed
Id like to have it for teammates only. I keep mine off because often times the enemy would look at our profiles and see that I main Symmetra and out comes a bunch of Symm counters from the start.
Asking someone to swap to a hero they actually have time on isn’t bullying them if someone has 20 hours on pharaoh but 5 hours on Genji is it bullying them to ask them to swap to a pharah if we need it?
Never many players on twitch, twitter and in game have said that private profiles were a mistake but yet again as i have said these forums are the only place i’ve seen people fighting for them
The reason I believe they are a mistake is as I said its good to know what your random teammates can play