Why can Reaper hide and ult, but I can't peek and res

I know that the person in charge of balance is a bit out of touch with the game thats obvious. As much as I like your changes, I’m gonna say it, I want to feel that great moment of ressing multiple people so here is my idea of a rework that could happen:

If you want to read my entire post: My Thoughts on Mercy
I fully explain why I think mass res was better than this current wanna-be balanced ability. I know the devs like valk and “think” its the right way for her but I couldn’t think of a design where valk isn’t either too underwhelming or OP…

These are just my thoughts, as you can see from the comments some of the most common mercy haters have not even put an effort to read what I have written there (Grey)… I hope you read it and tell me your personal opinion

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