Why can’t I buy golden guns?

With the new legacy competitive points and 2024 competitive points, as far as I understood it, we should be able to buy golden guns in season 10. It’s season 10 now, and when I go to buy a golden gun, it doesn’t allow me. It shows both jade and gold weapons costing the red competitive points, but shows an “unlock” button only for the jade weapons. I was going to buy the golden gun for Venture, but apparently I can’t buy any golden weapons now?? Can someone please explain?

Idk bout you but i also cannot buy gold weapons unless i wanna farm the competitive points.

Basically in season 9 when the competitive currency got changed i think blizzard said when the new season starts aka season 10 all previous comp points will be converted into the new currency.

The issue is blizzard never actually did this so right now i have 2951 points and 700 something of the new currency which means i either have to grind or wait it sucks and there was no reason to change the currency since the old currency is unusable.

It was a stupid change…


The new currency is different from the old one, and you can only buy golden guns with the old currency.

The new currency used for emerald weapons will turn into old currency at the end of the year.

At least this is how i understood it.

It isnt as you need the new currency to buy gold guns and you cannot seem to earn it anymore.


I am logged in i can confirm that the new currency flst out replaced the old one yet those who had the old currency still needs it converted

This is what the original plan was, but it was pretty much universally hated. Aaron said on Twitter that you would be able to buy either with new points starting this season. It might be a bug that you can’t.

Ah, righto.
I’m out of the loop on this matter then.
Thx for correcting me.

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Found the tweet. https://twitter.com/aaronkellerOW/status/1757451289552990658?t=ga0BIIavmKTPCW-9G8aNGQ&s=19

They really need to make a new patch already there’s so many bugs right now

Why doesn’t Blizzard allow gold guns to also be purchased with the new comp credits? Why impose any wait time at all? Gold guns still look good, while jade looks like mold.

Bought a gold gun last night with the new points so unsure what you guys are talking about.

Must be a new S10 change for the better. S9 did not allow this until the end of the season.