Why can’t Console players play In FaceIT tournament

Is there a Reason Console Players aren’t allowed in the FaceIT Tournament ??? Or blizzard just don’t care about console players ?

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Could have been fun to have consol tournament too! But I think we are the wallet they can drain!

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Literally every single OW tournament has been on PC, it is the superior platform for competitive play.


Its not unusual for games to have separate tournaments for different platforms.

Fortnite has some console only cups. Consoles are not explicitly excluded from the biggest tournament but a console players has never placed high in it either.

Console players probably just wouldnt make it and blizzard knows it.

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The infrastructure is easier to setup I think. With console a fee to Microsoft/Sony maybe a thing?

They do have rules about that regarding the payout and number of players. They will usually allow it but if its big enough then they get a cut.

I’m not surprised. You seems to know a bit more about this than me…

If it’s so superior why can’t console compete then? I mean are you that scared to lose to inferior hardware?

I just read an article about nintendo and smash tournaments a couple weeks ago. Sony and MS are probably similar. Also a Fortnite player and I know they do have console only cups. Epic and FN are not shy about license deals if it will make them money too though. Blizzard isnt nearly as quick to do that as them

Good luck competing with PC players without xim.

that’s their problem to work through. They know that going in and they most likely know they’d have no right to aim assist. If they still wish to compete why stop them?

Because the majority of high end console players are using Xim, which is cheating. If Blizzard can actually detect and ban Xim players, maybe console players can join tournaments.

What do you mean you’d go in and have 5 controllers in hand. How would anyone xim. So should have players not be allowed due to potential hacking? Out of here. And they’re already cracking down on xim players anyways.

It could even be good for viewership. Unless you think underdogs being zero value to a sport?

They would have to give sony a cut to do this and they probably dont want to. Those players wouldnt even do well

Sure they could do it as a fan service anyway but blizzard is owned by MS. They dont do fan service, they do money

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Because most pro play is done remotely. There’s very little live events outside of Korea. Organizer would have zero way to check for Xims.

If it’s a finance reason I do get that more. But it’s still a half effort reason.

Do they have ways to check for hacks then?

They play on live servers, so it’s the same anti-cheat as the servers you use. Xim has been undetectable for the past 8 years.

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And aren’t they currently saying they can crack down on the xim players?

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Yes, finally. Which was my original point. If their detection system works, maybe console tournament play will be possible.