Why!? B why!? 20 char

Blizzard why do you literally put me on the worst teams imaginable? What did I do to deserve such trash games? Teammates who refused to switch when killed repeatedly by the same person?

How many snipers do I have to see get destored by dva round after round.

Genii’s that get killed by Winston’s tickle gun, repeatedly.

Briggs, that get rained on by Phara’s.

I’m not even angry anymore, I’m just sad. Why do I have to endure these horrible, one sided matches, with players who don’t want to win.

I’m tired of having to kill 3 people a team fight to win a match. How is that fair or fun.

Blizzard, your match making continues to disappoint me.

Three letters for you: LFG


yeah…what he said, its there, use it

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Are we just gonna start using this to try to shut down every single argument now? Any time anyone is displeased, just be pidgeonholed into LFG?

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What? You want to be catered to? To have Blizzard place T500s on your team and Bronzies on the other?

They can suck it up. The LFG system is their for that very specific reason.

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What else can we do? How can we make quickplay games better if they’re random?

LFG or enjoy the ride on the Magic School Bus.

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This made me laugh… I played about 4 hours yesterday and carefully watched the composition of teams… and was amazed at how oddly distributed it gets.

So, a team on a game settles into a role set like this: Pharah, Mercy, Orissa, Rein, Hanzo, Junk rat… without quetsion, at least in QP, the most common set up it seems in my opposition.

My team … autolocked: Genji, Widow, Sombra, Ana… maybe a Roadhog or Zarya if I am lucky… then some lamer doing a very bad McCree… so then I and any partner I play with are stuck doing the fillouts to try to make this *ss-end forward chimera of a comp work… I mean statistically it shouldn’t look like this, but it does … and when you ask anyone to reconsider they get all huffy 'cause ya know, its all about “me” and what “I” want and how dare the person who clearly can’t begin to play Ana or any of the others switch… god forbid… and no, QP is not just practice for comp according to Blizz…


I walked into solo q QP today.

First team had four damage characters. We lost.

I think the next team will be better.

Next team. Five DPS. We lost.

"I’m just gonna take five, or ten, or twenty."

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Maybe try to ask them politely to swap to something to help. Or maybe make a suggestion, like a shield tank might help, or a stronger healer. or swap to it your self.

When it comes to QP, what if they are practicing a character? I mean I know the usual thing to say is go fight bots but if you already know how the bots are going to spawn and setup then how far can playing bots take you? Playing against actual people is necessary to get better, and you don’t want to be practicing a character in COMP. So QP is your alternative. Arcade is their too but what can you learn in Total Mayhem game?

hehe, I did learn a bit to play a couple hero in Total Mayhem, but at the same time, it does throw off your cooldown timer you get in your head, lol.

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lol agreed, Roadhog is crazy in TM, he doesn’t die. No limits ain’t too bad either to learn. But the closest thing to actual comp is QP so I don’t know. Leaves us with LFG I guess.

You must have pissed off RNJesus

Nah, but keep it up. You can do it. Cheesy, I know.

Play to improve, not for sr and it will be less tilting.

Blizzard Y U DO DIS?

Yes. Because it is the solution for your issue.


20 characters…

You won’t climb till you start carrying your bad teammates. Or unless you find yourself a booster.

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: Yes, because the LFG system is the answer to several of the biggest problems that have haunted this game since the beginning. Using the LFG system allows you to find or build the team you want. It allows you to avoid trolls, throwers, the hyper toxic, unacceptable one tricks, try hards, casuals, intentional leavers, 5 DPS comps, people not in voice, Battle Mercys, Speed Only Lucios, whiney children, whiney adults, no one wanting to support, no one wanting to tank, poor group synergy picks, offmeta picks, onmeta picks, no shield tanks, people who hello the enemy team, peole who don’t hello the enemy team, private profiles, public profiles, people who disagree with you, people who talk too much, people who talk too little, people playing music during the match, people with bad mics, people with bad connections, braggarts, fools, imbeciles, and/or youtubers/streamers.

Or you’ll only have to deal with them once before you kick them or leave the group. So many problems solved by one little subsystem.

As everyone has been saying, LFG. I usually play a game or two regular quickplay and it’s hot garbage. 5 other dps and if there is a tank it’s a D.Va that only DMs herself or a roadhog that can only feed. The enemy always seems have a shield tank and an extremely attentive main healer. If we get a main healer it will either be in the last 30 seconds of the game, a Mercy that has her pistol out 60% of the game, or a Moira who doesn’t heal at all.

Then I go into LFG and I win 80~90% of the games I play. I get teams with people who WANTED to play the roles they’re in. All teams I play with have 4+ people in chat. We COORDINATE!

The answer is clear. People have come to these forums for two years complaining about the matchmaker. I’m not saying that it isn’t effective, but that it’s rare that a system can accurately organize 15~40 million people in a highly dynamic environment. If it isn’t working for you, STOP RELYING ON IT.

LFG, LFG, LFG and then LFG some more.

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