Why aren't transformation ultimates not cancelable with stuns?

What if he could move during his ult transformation (in and out) and as well as from sentry into recon (not recon into sentry)? I might be okay with it being cancel-able if that were the case.

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Winston’s ult is instant right? Is there even time to cancel it?

If I remember correctly, the only time you can stun a Dva out of her calling in her mech is before it lands, which is like a 0.5 second window. I’ve stunned Dva before she gets into her mech dozens of times yet she continues to climb in and has full health because the stun and damage was on her small Form and not her mech, which is ridiculous in my opinion.

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But I do see your point.
Even bastion doesn’t need a worse ultimate.

I’m just curious why they can’t be canceled with stuns. It’s seems odd to me that not even their cast animation isn’t interrupted.

I would love that.

I have to be extra careful with his transformation ultimate, because I always feel like a sitting duck when I’m ulting with him.

So, what’s the tradeoff for Dragonblade? I’m listening.

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The tradeoffs are that it does too much damage, goes through shields, and resets cooldowns. Gosh, the things Genji gives up to have an Ult that isn’t cancelable by stuns. /s

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Dragonblade is actually the reason why I made this thread.

Players started asking for nerfs to Genji’s dragonblade, and especially nanoblade. I think adding a stun window in his cast animation would offer a bit more counterplay without nerfing his damage or Ana’s ultimate.

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No longer a ranged hero. Is still disabled for the transformation. It cuts short deflect. Stuff like that.

Dragonblade was the reason they made this arbitrary ultimate category system in the first place.

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I’m not against adding more counterplay to all ultimates.

I just find it weird how transformation works. They have a clear cast animation, but it doesn’t matter if you stun them in this cast animation.

It works on cast ultimates and projectile ultimates, so why not on transformation ultimates.

Other ults typically get instant value, be it from an immediate burst/stream of damage or to hardcore zoning.

Transformation ults, however, are completely worthless until the user actually goes in with it and makes it do a thing.

That said, Mei and Tracer ults shouldn’t be cancelled imo. At the very least, they should just drop at the user’s feet if they’re stunned or killed, similar to how anyone would fumble what they’re holding if they just got hit by a flashbang or something.

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This would be cool, but how would this work for Hanzo’s and Ana’s ultimates?

No, this system existed in Warcraft III 15 years ago. WoW also follows this design. Don’t play HotS but it’s most likely the same there.

Based on the mechanics of Dragonblade, it being a transformation ult makes the most sense.


The problem is, Dragonblade is obviously too good relative to other DPS ults and if it could be cancelled it would be a lot more reasonable.

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It’s the same as Mei, however Mei also has to wait for the ultimate to hit the ground for it to start.

Zarya as well, but unlike Mei and any other projectile ultimate in the game, has Zarya no cast time. It can’t be interrupted with stuns.

(If they ever want to nerf Zarya, then I think this would be a perfect one.)

Maybe Because transformation ults require more effort than pressing q?

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Except, that’s exactly what they did before they “standardized” all ults. You could be 9/10s of the way to your fully transformed state, and they took away the transformation and refunded the ultimate cost, forcing you to ult again.

Drsgonblade lasts longer than any single stun in the game, meaning that it continues after he gets back up. Plus deflect is the same length during Drsgonblade as out of it.

What about bastion tho?!!!
