Why Arent Supports Carrying My Games?

played 3 hours of support.

no dps could corner me, no tank could diff my tank, noone could kill my tank if thats what i wanted, no ult combo could be spammed thanks to luck honestly but still.

i was the carry, the hardest thing i had to deal with was widow as i couldnt leave to go and deal with her as both my dps had gone to do it even though literally all of them failed.

are your dps and support rank the same?

my support is probably a bit lower from what i can tell, but i cant be bothered to wait in comp queue to check it for sure.

if you are gold like me, dps and supports vary from sinatraa to a baby that just picked up the game

If you’re already good as a dps, you’ll fit into the shoes of the dps supports no problem and stomp people for a bit while your support mmr catches up.

You played 3 hours… That’s like 20 games. Do you really think that’s representative of the support experience? Lol