Why are we buffing bastion?

So many troll posts in the past few days =/


I never said he needed Orisa or Rein, as he can easily sit behind objects and shoot where the enemies have no angle to actually deal enough damage to him and kill him.

It’s just range, he still has his spread. He isn’t going to be mowing everyone down.


Go ahead and think that, not that you would provide any useful info to me anyways

Bastion is trash, it will do nothing for his pickrate.

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If you mean the blanket falloff buffs, it’s not like they’re buffing Bastion, they’re buffing a lot of hitscan heroes, and Bastion happens to be one of them.

Also, he doesn’t need a nerf, he most definitely needs buffs… An ideal buff would include removing Ironclad though. Ironclad has caused a lot of trouble, and it’s really not worth any of it.

If this is happening, something is wrong with your team… His spread is really really bad, he has very little damage at anything beyond 20 meters… Here’s an example

This is true for most heroes… Pharah does 120 DPS, no single healer can outheal that. Soldier does 171 DPS with bodyshots… I could go on…

So don’t push normally… Use Junkrat to spam over the barriers while out of sight of Bastion, use Sombra to hack the Bastion, use Mei to boost the Bastion above the barriers, use Hanzo to spam down the barriers…

This part is true… Well, maybe not the high reward part… Bastion mains want this to be not true though. We want his spread back, we want passive Ironclad gone, we want him to be self-sufficient again, and not rely on his entire team to be usable…

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How about…


Bastion is in dire need of help. Even at his best in Bronze, he’s still pretty underwhelming.


bastion has to stay bad or else this game will crash under its own weight

The game doesn’t weigh much, it’s just a couple billion 1’s and 0’s… And yeah, Bastion is what would kill the game, not any of the insta-stun and insta-kill characters…

Here is the problem, it is almost universally agreed upon that Bastion is not in a great state of balance, especially at higher ranks (plat plus). To that end, I never played in GM, but I am still actively aware that Tracer is oppressive at the highest ranks, or at least she was. I would not worry if I were you, he will not JUST get buffed. It is very likely to be a rework which is why they refuse to talk about it at the moment despite him being the obvious troll pick after all of the reworks, buffs, and changes across all other f-tier heroes.

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how much is that in kg tho

You guys seem to have misunderstood this post. I am trying to say that Bastion probably needs the least amount of skill, next to torbjorn, and he can do high amounts of damage, given the distance, which he can easily hold a chokepoint. I just want them to give bastion a higher skill ceiling, instead of having new players coming on and being able to play one of the most damage dealing heroes in the game.

Bastion is in serious need of buffs at the moment, probably even a rework. I you want to read about some rework ideas, please check out the Bastion megathread. Also, don’t complain you can’t beat a team working with a Bastion yourself, as I always say:

If you are fighting teamwork, use teamwork.

Have you heard of brig b4?

You could easily fit it onto a microSD card, so a couple milligrams maybe? The data should technically have weight, but it’s pretty negligible…

Life is more than a series of ones and zeros…-Zenyatta

Nano boost, damage boost, supercharger, etc. You forgot many different factors when you were talking about how much damage he deals.

If the enemy Bastion has those things, then you should have a Mercy (or other healer) of your own to counteract it.

These are factor is how much damage anyone deals, they don’t have any specific effect on Bastion.

…Until a Hanzo comes and destroys you with storm arrow