Why are we adding CC back into the game?

The issue though is that it’s not guaranteed that the CC will actually be used to target those high mobility heroes for the most part, and that OW1 history won’t just repeat itself again where everyone targets tanks with it instead. Especially now that there’s only one tank, and the value gained by completely stopping them in their tracks (and potentially killing them, too) during a team fight is extremely high.

because the team balance is terrible. they had a lot of ways to nerf movement instead putting back cc…

example: first try to put cooldown on respawn on all movement habilitys.

A legitimate concern, if it actually stopped tanks in their tracks like flashbang did. It shuts down mobility abilities for a second, so it can put dive tanks in a bad spot. But most dive tanks have defensive abilities to carry them until the hinder effect is done. Dva, Winston, Doomfist, and Ball all have such abilities.

Several tanks won’t be affected by hinder much at all, like JQ, Zarya, Sigma, Ramattra, and Roadhog. Rein will have charge locked for a few seconds, but shouldn’t be an issue unless grenade is very well timed.

In summary, it’s another ability some tanks will have to watch for, but it’s hardly completely crippling like flashbang was.


This… doesn’t matter. Do you play those tanks? a second or two without mobility and you can burst them all through those abilities. Like, all of them.

Because Ball.

Because unlimited incontestable mobility isn’t fun on the receiving end.

Hope you like trying to shoot sonic the hedgehog all day! While you get to sit there and pretend you can move!

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The old grenade already worked fine for that purpose…

Old grenade affected both mobile and none mobile heroes, new grenade quite literally turns off mobility. Which is the entire point.

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So where is the dive tanks team? If they dives in solo, then they should get destroyed. Cassidy grenade hasn’t changed that.

And if a dive tank is still getting destroyed by Cassidy grenade despite getting back up from their team, maybe they need to swap tanks or strategy. There’s several tanks I noted above that don’t get impacted much by the new grenade.


This, was honestly pretty silly that you could dive in 1v5 and get out just fine as there really wasn’t a way to stop them.

Y’all are tripping, half the cast already had access to a way to counter dive. (including this character).

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OW2 just spoiled mobility heroes, thinking they can live in a world without CC and that that’s perfectly acceptable. You think Ana and Zenyatta thought doomfist was just fine?


Are you serious right now?

Zen (+ brig) is the easiest typical way to counter Doom (or ANY dive character).

Do we even have to talk about the grandma

I don’t know what y’all are smoking on these here forums, I’m out

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just maybe because removing a second tank was completely unneccessary

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Not only this but consider the fact that simply having CC in your kit is enough of a threat for some people to avoid you. This puts you in a peculiar situation where you might be saving your trick card for someone who never shows up. That makes the next best target being the one closer to you at all times… namely the enemy tank.

Good news is that tanks don’t suffer quite as hard from CC as they have in the past, and the flashbang is not as potent as it once was. Mei no longer has her freeze capability, outside of her ultimate, and Brig can’t boop/shield bash for free anymore. The tanks are mostly saved in this scenario. The ones who will continue to suffer are the higher mobility heroes who fly/whizz/skate around the map like a playground.

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bruh this forum is dominated by extremely biased support players that don’t play any other roles or characters. somebody even said it’s because of “too much damn mobility” , yea let’s just keep ignoring the giant elephant in the room with the red cross on it because how overturned healing is in this game can’t be the problem.

nerf genji


Yeah, Cass feels more like Sombra against mobile heroes. A Sombra with less firing spread and far more dangerous.

Unfortunately, 6v6 will have to wait until Overwatch 3 and that will be considered new content!

Yet the Mei changes will do nothing against mobility.

I’m not really a fan of Flats and most of those OW streamers but…

That was literally the first thing I thought when I heard of this last week: This is going to be an Anti-Tank ability.

Players argued over this with me. Insulted me even. Said “Dude, lmao we need to PUNISH hyper mobile heroes”.
While I was like “Nope. This is gonna get dumped all into Tanks. A good flanker will still outmanouver this. 99% of this is just gonna wander into Tank’s faces”.

And this is because… well:
a) Tank is the easiest target to hit, being big and standing in front of you;
b) Tank is playing SOLO, so kill him fast and 50% of the fight is already done;
c) ppl in this game CAN’T AIM, so they won’t pick squishies as their targets.

And the way it was mechanically concieved (the slow travel time, the small window of auto-lock) is exactly like someone in the dev team thought: “Yeah, we gonna say this is anti-mobile but really we plan for this to be anti-tank”.
This is gonna be the worst season for Tanks in a long while - couple the MagGrav with Sleep/Anti-Nade and Discord (and maybe Mei) and you are looking straight into a nightmare for Tank mains.

Might as well go and call this game Anti-TankWatch at this point.

With CC creeps and Solo-tanking they will have to bring 6v6 back just to allieviate some pressure from the poor schmuck playing Tank.