Why are there so many people with a name like Shadowdragon?

I’m starting to believe this is some kind of conspiracy theory

There’s at least one Shadowdragon in 2 matches and it scares me

It’s a foolproof method to bump up your edgelord status by +5


I use to have character names like that when I was a teenager. I’m sure a lot of the older playerbase can say the same. Although with me, it was more common to name my character after another character I liked (like Han Solo, or Darth Vader).

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Too be fair this been my name for over 20 years online. Got from others at a Computer Camp.


I see people named “Silentstorm” everywhere, personally.

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Adjective + Animal, it is an autogenerated name iirc.
Like SquishyGoat probably is
and one of my friends LazyTurtles

shadowburn is a pro player, you instantly gain sr from your name having part of his name in it, dragons are cool, you also gain sr from that, add it all together and boom, you have a person placing mid masters even though they where low diamond on their main acc.

I’ve always kept mine short. Most of my usernames were just 4 letter words.


Nope I came up with it but you’re probably right

I met like 5 different Shadowdragons and I friended them all.

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They imagine themselves as the next Shadowburn. They’re (almost always) edgy Shimada-mains who overrate their own skill in the game.

Just take “Shadow”, add your own edgy adjective to the end of it (“Shadowfart”, “Shadowdump”, “Shadowvomit”), then that will make your real rank 1000-1500SR higher than it really is!

Genji mains primarily use and cling to such naming formats

Finally someone said it! I see them ALL the time


Most young boys like dragons so they use names like ADJECTIVE-Dragon because they think it sounds cool. My 13 year old self is also guilty of this.

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We are all furries/scalies secretly

Not so secretly in some cases apparently!

Aye!!! I can get down with that.

  • shadowdragon is a stock, randomly generated name that blizzard gives you if prompted
  • shadows are cool
  • dragons are cool

hence, you end up with a lot of shadowdragons

My cover has been blown <.<

Wait… is this true? I would believe it given how GGEZ gets autogenned into different mocking sentences.