Why are there so many hackers in this game now?

Got any replay codes chief?

I have to say, same experience here. I’ve played comp since S5 but still that’s a very long time. And it’s never been this bad with the throwers and smurfs.

I think the issue is the unlimited alt accounts players have to sit in various tiers, and how they will deranking for 14 matches, then stomp lower ranks to death until it shows their rank is back where it was before, then derank for 14 more matches.

Look at the GM14 issue. Some players have 1 account at EVERY skill tier from Diamond and above just to have fun stomping lowbies and throwing in between.

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There has always been cheaters in OW. Back in the earlier days of OW1, I think a lot of people from Korea got absolutely blasted out of the game for cheating, but it wasn’t just Korea (the Korean servers I believe were getting nuked by overloading, forcing crashes in lobbies where the cheater in question wasn’t favored.) every server lost several thousand or tens of thousands of players each ban wave back in the day.

They’ve always been there, so idk where people think that cheaters are just now becoming a thing.

The absolute bonkers thing was when cheaters pled their cases and claimed they had a right to cheat or that Blizzard didn’t have a right to ban them for cheating.

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It’s been getting worse.

My wife is making canna Blondies today. I’m so excited for the weekend. And I see Blondie here today. And it’s your first post. The synchronicity.

It really is just a simulation. D:

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free game lets that happen alot easier

I’m a firm believer that we are in a simulation. I see synchronicities multiple times a day. I see glitches once every couple weeks. There’s a great meditation program I’ve used a few years ago and experienced freaky things from, called The Gateway Experience. It was studied by CIA, and the explanation of it working is based upon the universe being a holographic simulation. Ever since I used that program, synchronicities just exploded.

Not to mention the similarities between the Baader-Meinhoff phenomenon and video game rendering illusions are eerily similar.

If you don’t know about it, Baader-Meinhoff phenominon is basically the thing where you can go your whole life without knowing a particular thing exists. Until you perceive it once. Then you see or hear about it everywhere. Or it could be, you buy a new car and now all of a sudden every third car you see on the road is your car. Essentially it’s that thing being rendered into the simulation once you perceive it. Because the cosmic computer isn’t powerful enough to render everything at once.

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Because we got to unit to stop Eugene.

Your hours don’t matter if you can’t confirm them. For all your 2000+ hours, it could be your opponent’s cheats felt like another 2,000+ hour player. Replays don’t matter without detection, and we don’t work for Blizzard to confirm.

What makes you say 43%? I’m not saying you’re wrong, but just wondering what you are basing that on. I feel like I see someone suspicious of hacking in about 1 out of every 3 or 4 matches.

back in the day hackers where easy to spot, cheats are more sophisticated now and harder to notice unless you know what to look for, natural movement, mouse sensitivity, weird “flicking” perfectly timed use of skills and “dodging” the natural ebb and flow of the match in general and such.

Now days there are cheaters in almost every game, racking up 35+ kills while not dying once, super human accuracy with every shot being headshot, ive been playing sombra quite a lot this past week and i get headshotted thru stealth at quite a distance.

it’s out of control and reporting does nothing, blizz don’t care as long as ppl spend money… seriously considering quitting.

Just today I had a moment where I was very surprised about the enemy cass discovering the place I hid. Then I watch the replay, he just walks on me while I am sitting and doing nothing, waiting for the team to regroup, and I never peeked or did anything. There was 0 info about me being somewhere nearby, but the dude just looks at me through the wall, straight up walks on me with his grenade and pre-fires both the grenade and his right click. And this was QP. Like people use wallhack in a quick play game with a pocketed mercy, makes me lose hope in humanity.

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ESP/Walls are so prominent in OW2 they may as well just give it to all of us as a core game feature. Id estimate that every other lobby has at least 1 hacker in it.

Without a real anti cheat system there’s no way players will be able to reliably identify which players are using them rendering the player-based report model useless.
ESP may not seem like a big hack but it yields just as much advantage as an Aimbot or triggerbot.
Imagine never being able to be caught out by a flanker, knowing your opponents cool downs, and knowing when they’re approaching.

In Jan. 2024, I found hackers on the enemy team in almost every match.

Here is the match I just finished. I can confirm there are many hackers in the game and that have increased these days recently.

Please see this Sojourn, for example (a very clear example of an aimbot/trigger bot). Her aim was triggered so hard that she later changed to Soldier 76 although her ult. was already at around 87%. As Sojourn, her aim also kept shifting randomly inhumanly. Later as Soldier 76, this player could also be spotted idling a few times at the very beginning after switching to Soldier 76 either to adjust his hack settings or disable it, and that’s why you would not be seeing inhuman-reaction aim anymore after this.

Player’s Name: KJ4EVERS
Replay Code: 26KBYQ
Map: Dorado
The player’s current rank: Master 5

yea i think i had a hacker a day ago and i saved the replay as well. he started out like a normal player on hanzo then switched mccree. as the match went on he switched soldier and thats when it seemed like he had a trigger bot. he also had insane reaction times, when they were gonna lose he went tracer and oh man was it suspect lol…

game is WKK2C6

him and his mercy pocket shared the same names?.. maybe he just has a good gaming chair or is a very high ranked player and smurfed the game for his mercy?

Now? They always have been everywhere and always will be. Most kids and a lot of adults too just do not care about the concept of integrity in video games. They will google for Overwatch cheats and run them without a care in the world if it means they can “win”.

Even if you take an extremely conservative estimate of 5% of players cheating which I suspect is at least 15% too low they will gravitate towards the higher ranks. Due to the high ranks being such a small percentage of players to begin with you are going to be running into cheaters in basically every single match.

Cheaters more than anything are the reason I am not going to play online games anymore. They won.