Why are there no women in the competitive?

Less women play the game -> less women play the game at the highest level

It’s that simple.

Women don’t play competitive video games as much as men. It probably has to do with testosterone encouraging aggression and competition.

Yeah, the question is built on assumptions.

Instead of “Why aren’t women in this clearly prestigious position?” it could just as well be “Why are only men drawn to this circus?” bot questions are just as valid, just take opposite valuations.

I, personally, have absolutely no interest in playing in any Overwatch competition or even watching it.

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If you’re outraged that there are more men than women in prison, surely you must also be outraged that there are more black men than anyone else is prison, right, especially considering the percentages and how statistically unsound that is? Surely, that the fact that men in nursing make significantly more than their female counterparts should also make you angry. No? Oh, right, you’re making bad faith arguments because you don’t want to investigate structural sexism in our society.

Men and women actually play video games at the exact same rates! Several studies have shown this, and have always shown this, and will continue to show this. The problem isn’t that there are more men who are good, it’s the barriers to high level play women face, notably sexual harassment and sexism, in the idea that because they’re a girl they cannot be good. Hell, one of the very posts between mine and yours says exactly that! That girls just suck, that’s why they’re not going pro.

Why don’t women want to go pro? Could it be anything from death threats to opening themselves up to even more potential sexual harassment? Or is it like Geguri where even when they are that good, and are shown to be that good, they just aren’t allowed in because of the whole structural sexism thing.

She was the best Zarya in the world at one point. That was why she was hired. She did earn it, and the fact you’re saying she didn’t assuming that some kind of “affirmative action” was the reason continues to show that the underlying thing is that men don’t believe women are capable of truly being the best.


Candy Crush and Farmville don’t have competitive scenes.

Like it or not women do not play competitive video games nearly as much as men.


there’s nothing to brag about if you’re a token member.

but as i said, i’d rather see them grow into the scene than be transplanted into it because it’s a more sure fire way of it ending up a success.

and also i don’t believe they are too far from getting there either, a lot of roads have allready been paved, e-sport as a phenomenon for one thing.
and women participating in games as a sport and as a past time is being seen more and more as a common thing nowadays.

to me it’s just a matter of time before we get there, and for all i know it could be only one year away from a blowout hit of some franchise that have a lot of female pros in it.
and this is without needing to artificially plant them in there.

like i wouldn’t be surprised anymore if that did end up happening, but i would be pretty sad about needing to quota them in to give them a “fair” shot because i simply don’t see them needing that handicap and that hanging over them for a long time to come after that.

I’m a woman who loves playing this competitive video game. Like it or not the number one reason many women feel pressured to not play it is the targeted sexual harassment you receive.

Women are just as competitive as men. Women are just as likely to be into any particular sport as men unless they’re actively discouraged from being apart of it and funneled into something more seemly for women.


If women are just as competitive as men then why is there not a single instance of a sport dominated by women that is not restricted to female players exclusively?

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Barf, stop talking about giving us a foot in the door. Give us our own league.

  1. Community sucks the higher you go. Most assume you are boosted. This is a stereotype for a reason.
  2. There are biological differences in important things like reaction time (can’t put links in here but this is easily found via Google); men experience more positive reactions to competitive rather than cooperative gameplay whereas women are less competitive (study by J Matias Kivikangas et al on Plos)
  3. Gaming was kind of a loser thing for millennial women until maybe 2012 (ish, I graduated high school in 2010 and it certainly was looked down upon then), meaning we largely missed out on childhood/preteen years of PC gaming (CS etc) so you don’t see the veteran aim skill like you do with men. Perhaps we will see more impressive women in the competitive scene once gen Z grows up a bit more.

I don’t play either of those, but if Rock Paper Scissors have a competitive scene, I see no reason why those games wouldn’t have one.

Also, your argument is extremely sexist.


Rock paper scissors is a game you can’t play by yourself.

The very core of the game is about winning against someone else.

Neurologically speaking, testosterone grants faster reaction time and increased competetiveness.

I doubt there’s a grand conspiracy to have women be less represented in competitive games.


Women are not a minority.

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because most female players choose to become full streamer instead trying to be Pro players ?
i know there is some pro female player exist

Because men are used to being masochistic, best explanation I got, otherwise explain why men tend to be workaholics.

I’m not a doctor, but I remember reading something about men caring more about material things than social interactions compared to women because of the typical brain structure. There are actually some interesting perks that more women have than men that allow them to recognize colors and faces better. It’s pretty cool.

nah lol. That player was a ruse. It was a brand new t500 account that barely spoke in ranked and when they did it took like 3-5 seconds to respond. Then they got on a contenders team and didnt release any personal info, unlike every other contenders and literally od player. Finally it was released that some other guy was behinds the account.


There are just much fewer women playing than men. Its unfortunate, but other women have made this stigma that women playing video games is “weird” and “unwomanly”. Some men also think this, although it’s a women based concept.

Most of my girl friends (including myself) are not shooting for top500. Yes, some of us are trying to get better at the game and improve. But no one is going for the ‘‘pro league’’. Women in general just don’t have the desire to go pro. It’s not sexist. It’s just a fact.

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Can’t tell if a joke or not

I’m male and I also have no intention to ever get Top 500, nor the desire to be a pro player even if invited.

That clearly means male in general also don’t have a desire to go pro, just some oddballs that like to dedicate their time to videogames.

Women can have their oddballs as well.

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