Why are the ball changes bad?

Ok dude, lets get even.
First: They gave Rein (AGAIN) a buff. They also should’ve put a timer/cooldown on his shield up time.
Second: Nerf hammond’s grapple but also give him a buff

Do you see why WB mains are not happy? Does it seem fair to you?

Where tho. majority of the hammond mains here have said the nerf does nothing… read the thread

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No crap Sherlock, did you find out also he is the only reason I play the game?

lol, yeah dude, ask them if they would like to keep the change or revert it and come back with their response.

I still have a 59% win rate with the changes, many wins in a row. Of course it doesn’t bother me, maybe 5%-15% of my playstyle has been affected but is nothing that prevents me to keepl playing the game since Hammond is the only hero I play. I

ts the rough change, with no counter buffs, with no experimental testing first. No one here should be happy with changes like these.

So you are fully aware how strong ball is right now compared to other tanks and still feel the need to get emotional about it.


It really isn’t a bad change IMO, except ball players that attach to a center point on a CP map and continue to roll around doing 360s for entire match.

It can be countered, but the fact that there is no abrupt way to stop this. It becomes “OP” in lower ranks. I’ve literally seen ball players melt an entire team due to lack of swapping comps in order to combat this. So really what had to happen was ball had to be a balance change for mid-tier and lower tier changes. SO it works.

Ball was considered “low skill” in certain situations, for what little effort had to be made for high rewards. Which is what frustrates the player base.

I have the feeling it is a step in the right direction Because of the feeling like there is a way to rely on pure skill and not having to rely on “hard counters” in order to push one person off of a hero during a match.

Torb and Sym should be next. Even though I play Sym, I do feel there is a “broken-ness” that upsets players, on those 2. For Low-risk, high-reward play.

For Sym: I don’t think cool-down time on turrets need to be changed. But they need consider reducing Damge output of those turrets and removing the crowd control ability.

The teleporter needs LESS hit points. As well as she should NOT be able to send turrets through a teleporter.

For Torb: it would be

  • the reduction of the ability to repair the turret,
  • reducing its pushback,
  • Reducing how far away it can aquire targets,
  • Reducing its target acquisition speed.
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Like many have mentioned, this removes a lot of other uses beyond spin2win.

But you go around and post the same nonsense as if spin2win is even something hard to counter


Torb shouldn’t have gotten a buff without nerfs, devs are clearly out of touch, he was easily already one of the best DPS in the game.

I’m fully aware how other tanks are possibly even more powerful than ball and get way more value way more easily. I also know ball is strong in the right hands.

There is a distinct displacement Ball play style in which he holds a corner swinging like an actual wrecking ball. That play style is now dead. That was my play style

Now he is just a fat tracer.

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There is also the reuse of a grapple. I would often swing in on a wall entending past where the team is set up, cleave, hold on to my grapple and swing back in for a group cleave off the same hook. Another example is using a high hook to swing in off of a high ground, then swinging back to the same highground off the same hook.

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I know of no aspect(s) of Wrecking Ball that can reasonably be described as “terribly designed”

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Umm you kinda can, although it is subjective. A lot of people think too much CC is bad design (ball has a lot of CC) and people think that the “spin to win” mechanic is bad design too.

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there is quite a bit of CC in he game, and it is there intentionally - ergo, this is as designed, not terrible design

the other mechanic is as designed as well, and fits well in the game

This is implied as if it is a fact, which it is not. Whether or not a hero is “badly designed” is purely subjective, you can’t say they’re wrong.


The statement I replied was stated as if it were fact

Either way, you’re wrong when you say ball isn’t terribly designed.
Instead it is your opinion that he isn’t terribly designed.

It is MrSandvichs opinion that he is terribly designed.

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No more of this from “ball mains.”

I made no such statement

Given that this side conversation appears to be heading in the direction of personal attacks, I will not be replying to it any further