Why are quiet enemy footsteps still a thing? 2017-2020, Fix this already

I’ve not paid attention to symm sounds specifically since I play a lot of symmetra myself. I’ll keep an ear out for enemy symms.

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i haven’t had too many problems with this, but i’m with you on the reaper thing. let’s be real though, if i call out a reaper that looks like he’s about to ult nobody’s going to listen anyways

I could slightly hear it, but only after playing it back over and over again. That definitely does seem strange as Mei’s steps are pretty distinct.

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I imagine I probably just very faintly heard something ingame which is why I immediately turned on instinct, but playing it back I can’t personally hear anything distinctive.

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I haven’t really payed to much attention this until i read this topic but i played a bunch last night and this is a serious problem. A reaper was walking through a hallway, not crouching , to get position on us and just dropped to team wipe us. It was a tense moment and my “Ults are coming” senses were going off but me and the rest of my team didn’t here a sound.


Thx for sharing with us that you stopped reading at some point, that’s very important for us to know and your opinion is obviously essential to the discussion. I guess you think so many of us are all crazy because we’re all experiencing the same audio problems with reaper? Oh, don’t bother answering. There’s no reason to read your response.


Doesn’t seem like it’s just footsteps anymore, either. Yesterday I was surprised to see a Reaper directly in front of me making no noise at all while firing.

Why can a reaper who is supposed to have the loudest footsteps in the game get within 5 meter distance and 2shot people before anybody can even hear him?

That “anybody” includes me too. I don’t have this problem and I SHOW IT.
You know, proofs… the things that people like you never show, because is focused at doing random rants without evidence.
OP is the first to talk for everyone.

I guess you think so many of us are all crazy because we’re all experiencing the same audio problems with reaper? I can do the same question now.

Oh, don’t bother answering. There’s no reason to read your response. HURR DURR

This game is insanely due for an optimization patch.

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I dont want to take the time to make a youtube video just for you if many other people are already having the same issue as me and can acknowledge that it’s real and discuss it.

You telling all of us that you dont believe us and that you stopped reading at some point because there’s “no point of reading after that” accomplishes nothing. What are you even doing here?

I’ve noticed this a lot recently. I always thought it was a problem with my audio settings or headphones, but it seems to be an actual issue.

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If I am first, then what is this?

You could also google it and see bunch of threads existing in the past about enemy footsteps missing sound.

Specifically Reaper, among others.

But I guess trying to discredit my claims because I don’t have a video of reaper specifically missing footstep sounds is just easier. =p

“If it doesn’t happen to me personally, it doesn’t exist at all” m’rite?

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Bless you op. I thought something was wrong with my hearing or something. Reapers always sneak up on me. I know sometimes they use wraith form to close the distance so you can’t hear them but I’ve been in situations where they’ve literally walked up to me and I didn’t hear them. I had headphones on too! There are other audio bugs as well; some heroes don’t announce their ultimate use. I’ve been blown up by a D.Va bomb that didn’t make a peep.

That’s interesting. There could also be a limit to the amount of sounds that can play at a time from the player perspective. Like the audio buffer could now be too small for the amount of sounds happening in game. So effectively some sounds are getting truncated. Like you said high/low priority with the low priority just not getting played.

Here’s a new one where I’m walking around alone in Petra with nobody around, when a McCree suddenly blindsides me totally unannounced. The footsteps are there, but they’re so quiet there’s no way to tell he’s nearby until it’s too late. You can actually hear a Symmetra who’s above me far more easily than the McCree standing right next to me.


Hearing a small whump whump less than half a second before he’s tossing a flashbang is extremely poor as far as announcing deadly enemies with footsteps is concerned lol. I mean, you literally hear two steps and he’s on you already, that’s impossible to react to. Even worse, you had no other sounds overlapping, just think of something whinny sound like zen volley charge. Completely covered footsteps sounds.

Basicaly same with reaper, but he just shoots you to pieces at that distance.

Meanwhile widow footsteps in the distance, clear as a day kek.

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EXACTLY, like what on earth is that all about, a Widow who’s nearby at close range isn’t nearly as deadly as a Reaper or a McCree who’s right next to you, it’s practically a death sentence if they catch you off guard.

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Blizzard can you fix this problem??? And dont waste time on things like the training robots now can say “hi”

so it happens to everybody, I thought it was a problem with my audio

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I have a good headset and i have a lpy of problems to hear enemy steps. Specially with some heros. Ps4 here