Why are Q-times way off?

So, Gold 3, the most populated rank so they say… Why are my Q-times, which the game tells me are supposed to be “< 1 min”, pushing 10 minutes on support?
On EU servers at around 21:00, should be pretty peak time to play as well.

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EU Servers
30 plus mins no game flex queue, all game modes!
Been playin Deathmatch all eve…
What gives?

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Literally came on here to ask the same question, it’s the same in every queue? Even 6v6 I was waiting over 10 mins me it says under 1

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Likewise. EU, que times around ± 20 minutes for mid Diamond. Yesterday it was ~5 minutes.

Cant join skirmish or similar because it just gets stuck on loading that game… There is no way this is because of player base size. So overwatch, what gives?

Update: Last was 30 min xD

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Other threads are sayin Blizz are aware & workin on a hotfix

I’m 1h 20m + qp Flex queue & still waitin a game.

Odd thing is my settings have a red banner stating “A restart is required to apply some settings” I’ve restarted 3 times & this doesnt go away. Also I notice a new option called “Graphics API” in Video settings.

Gawd kno’s what they’ve broke when tryin to fix / add somethin.


That can only mean one thing!
Overwatch with OpenGL ES for mobile!

Honestly the biggest problem with OW2 rn are the queue times. Why would I play a game that forces me to wait 10-15 mins per game when Rivals comp MM puts me in games minutes into queuing?

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Not just EU my games in US on support in gold are also taking 10+ minutes which is extremely unusual. My guess is player base is dying and it’s struggling to find enough people to create a match. For me it doesn’t matter the time of day it’s morning afternoon and night all long Q times


My comp queue times are craaazy all of a sudden. 6v6 min1/max3 is almost instant though.

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I’m having it different than you, my queue time is very short when I play role queue competitive (ME server on console)