Why Are Plat Players Dissed So Much By The Community?

Actually, Gold is the average rank.

This is a common misconception, so I won’t blame you for it.


Fair, I might have been looking at old data.

Because of the ‘‘acceptable rank’’ inflation that people pull out whenever its convenient for their arguments.

Its the same kind of argument, but reversed, that when people pretend to care about bronze/silver for balance when it comes to nerf/keep nerfed heroes they dont like.

Soon, I am sure it will become even more popular to say that Tracer needs nerfs amongst GM players, and the aiming justice warriors will start saying that only pro-players have valid opinions because they are only ones playing the ‘‘true game’’, and that GM is ‘‘just a mid rank’’ compared to pro-players.


Because people above their rank (from diamond and up) have lost all their humility and think they have the right to look down at the others, and plat are the ones who are teamed up with them the most .

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Based on these stats given from jeff himself, it entirely depends on what part of gold you are in. Gold and below is 61% of the population, where gold is higher than 29%. But if you take into consideration smurfs, people who don’t play anymore, etc, then you’re probably an average player if you’re gold.


Yes I was incorrect, my mistake.


back to the topic at hand, this is why i feel like plat is the most “memed” rank. Gold being the average rank and you finally got out of that average demographic and promoted to above average. SOME PLAYERS however get this huge ego boost because now they see themselves out of the “average” demographic and i gotta say: from what I’ve seen in my experience, many act as if they are know-it-alls in the game.

It’s kinda annoying to deal with because in plat, people act like know it alls, one tiny mistake and your team flames you immediately, everybody asking you to switch to x-hero, insults and egotistical people, a weird mixture of skillsets in a wide range, yeah you get the point. It’s a mess of a rank, worse than gold imo.


I’m a Plat tank player now, but when I started the game in Silver seeing people dissing Plat players all the time used to make me feel bad lol. I thought “wow, if they think Plat is such thrash, imagine what they think about me”

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Yes, this is around the high platinum range where it is the worst.
Generally in diamond it gets a bit better because they know their limits.

Not trying to be that guy but there are garbage takes from all ranks and that includes pros


I really doubt that you can speak for every single player in OW across the entire world to make that claim so no, I am not believing you.

Also sorry to bust your bubble mate, but “garbage takes” dont have a rank. They come in every size and colour and many different ranks, including Diamond, Master and GM.



I think higher players have the impression elo hell dosen’t exist, it does and its plat/gold for many many reasons.

I think part of it is because plat rhymes with chat


Because plat players think they know what they’re doing but they’re plat.

From my experience: Generally most players below plat are typically humble enough to admit when they’re not that great, but plat players get a bit of an ego and think they’re hot stuff.

As someone who frequents the platinum rank, plat is trash.

Below plat the players are generally worse, sure. But in the lower ranks there tends to be a much more laid back attitude and games are more enjoyable, whereas plat is just a breeding ground for toxicity.

Above plat the players actually know what they are talking about more, and tend to be better at the game so while they retain the toxicity that is rampant in plat, they actually know what they are talking about whereas plat tends to have a great deal of blind accusations.

Its because, in my personal opinion and experience, a lot of plats are superrrrrrr toxic and think they’re the hot stuff for climbing out of gold, it peaks more the closer you get to diamond.

beacuse you cant criticize bronze and silver for being bad because they are bad, thats kicking a man while hes down.
gold is the average player.

plat is the waste heap that arrogant gold players and tilted diamond players find themselves in, so automatically becomes the most toxic rank.

the 2nd most criticized rank is masters, because gm laughs at them all the time.

Because we’re bad

That is no excuse to be toxic.

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