Why are peoples excited about Competitive Classic Overwatch?

It divide the playerbase, will increase Q time for both game modes, especially for DPS in normal Ranked.

And don’t forget why we added roles Q, to prevent 6 dps teams in low ranks and Tanks and Supports only metas in high ranks.

And how are we going to balance the game for both gamemodes ?

Basically this new gamemode is a DPS killer, its kinda sad considering we are more than 50% of the playerbase.

how will it increase DPS queue times if DPS players are gonna be playing it…


Declaration of interest here: I’m a pro-RQer, especially for QP.

I’ve always imagined that QPC bleeds off excess DPS for QP, where I get only five minute waiting times on average. Compare that to Comp, which suffers worse queue times and has no such release valve. Kaplan basically confirmed that this is what’s happened with OQ.

I doubt I will ever play OQ, but it’s still a good thing.

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Jeff on the developer update literally said having Open Que be an option lowers que times :woman_shrugging:


Thats basic math since you divide the ranked community between 2 gamemodes it wil obviously increase Q times in both modes,

Read first plz

I sort of agree with you, but I guess we should wait and see how it plays out when treated as a competitive mode. But I fail to see how it does not realistically just add to the queue time issue myself.

I don’t think it’s going to affect queues negatively. On NA open queue is not even that popular considering that more people chose to play mystery heroes.

It’s big in Asia.

Someone wasnt listening to Jeff at all.

In developer update Papa J said himself. They looked at data and turns out Comp Classic decrese waiting times for Role Q.

We wont. Game will be balanced around 2/2/2.

Yeah and I remember Jeff said Sigma’s matrix dosnt work like Dva Matrix and dosnt eat things when he announced the character.

He is wrong sometimes.

Wouldn’t surprise me if they just did it for Korean queue times.

All we can go of is that Jeff said both modes being around benefits both modes as all heroes takes pressure of the “main” mode. What would he gain by lying about que times?

Also the game will be balanced around the main 222 mode. The all heroes mode isn’t being taken into account.

Balance is supposed to be staying 2/2/2 focused. As for queues, it’s not going to take many Tanks or Supports out of Role Queue and there will still be plenty of DPS to go around.

The only worry I’d have is that Competitive Classic might well end up a ghost town over time once the selfish people get sick of being stuck together.

There’s a difference between getting character details wrong, and getting data that’s important to the direction of the game wrong. They could well have been testing out Sigma’s Grasp up until the last minute, whereas in this case they just need to look at their numbers.

If its true it is completly unhealthy for the game and its players to have a COMPETITIVE MODE that is not taking into account for hero balance.

This gamemode will be a complete mess, we might as well have no hero limit competitive mode.

Yes it will be a mess.
Its not even popular on NA servers, its only popular in the east.
At least it will soak up DPS players.

Nah it wont, after 1 game of 5 or 6 DPS no tanks, no heals, No DPS will want to play this mode again.

Imo Open Que is absolutely more enjoyable than 222, but that’s my preference :woman_shrugging: Also stats arent opinions.
Open Que was shoved into the Arcade which made it have the “Its just Arcade!” mindset.
Now that itll be side by side in the Competitive tab with 222, itll be better.

Its apparently brought down que times since its been in the arcade for how many weeks now?
Also it being along side the offical comp mode will make it “better” as it doesn’t have the arcade stigma.
Long term, yeah it will probably be abandoned though.

I don’t get why you’re complaining, people who don’t like role Q can play open queue and those who do like role Q have shorter queue times

I’ve never understood this idea.

If I want to play DPS, I go DPS on Role Queue.

If I don’t care what I play, I don’t queue for just one specific role, and thus play Classic.

I almost always got the same 2-2-2 matches regardless. I just didn’t know prior to entering the match whether I’d be playing Rein, Zarya, D.Va, Ana, Zen, Lucio, Soldier, Sombra, or McCree. Well, that and there’d be the occasional player without a private profile in Classic as to facilitate those exact hero-select decisions.