Why are people so unhappy with Mercy changes?

I love her fly ability, I can count several games that I used it to get back on point quickly to Rez someone to help the team hold the point until the others get back.

The old version I had to hide an pray that I don’t get denied the mass rez. But most of the time I had to keep debating whether to use that mass rez for two people rather than finding out just 1 minute later I could have gotten four people.
The Valkyrie also enables me to help the whole team with the chain heal/boost in that critical push. Playing mercy I don’t need to feel bad about prematurely using my mass rez.

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For some reason they think that the old rez was more skillful


The same reason Symmetra mains hate the rework: It changed their core kit and made them completely different heroes than who they were. Sure, Valkyrie is a useful ult, but most people that use it only care about the unlimited ammo they get from it. Take that away, and people will swap off Mercy and play other healers. I say if Mercy should have unlimited ammo, then she should have some kind of damage nerf while in Valkyrie for her weapon.


Oh boy.

No, only bad Mercy players did this. If you did this, you were just bad at her.

That’s called strategy, planning, and thinking. A huge part of what made Mercy so fun, since you had to think fast to decide if using your ult was worth it. Because if you used it up, you had to earn it again, since it wasn’t handed to you like candy.

Valkyrie also gets rid of Mercy’s weakness and shortcomings, which was, y’know, a lack of AOE heals. Taking away the target-priority Mercy needed to be efficient. And as for using Resurrect “too early”, well, these things happen. Sometimes you out-play the enemy, or they anticipated your Rez and out-played you. Resurrect is still a lot better as an ult.


I don’t really think its strategy when you are forced to predict the future rather than take preventive actions.

Symmetra’s primary fire also got ruined in her rework. The tickrate makes it super difficult to attack armored opponents.

That’s what strategy is, son. Take chess, the most famous example of strategy in motion. You have to plan ahead, anticipate your opponent’s movements and make a critical decision from there.

Mercy used to require a LOT of strategy and planning.


actually it is. you’re supposed to predict enemy strategy so you can make counterplay

They did not change her core kit much, still left click and right click with the same movement ability, Only real difference to base kit is having rez on E. Yea her ult changed, but her base kit is pretty much the same.

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this is true

the main reason i dont like the rework was rez is near impossible to balance as a regular ability on a cd, and valk is essentially easy mode. two reasons that made mercy overtuned to the point they’re actually nerfing her core kit (hps in the recent nerf) to balance her out

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Unless there’s three tanks lol

I don’t see how its strategy to hold on to an ult waiting for a moment that may never come.

I feel both require planning and Valkyrie more so than Resurrection. There is nothing proactive in usage with resurrection. You flat out use it reactionary based which removes much of your decision making in the game. When people die you only have to decide when to use Resurrection in that moment as you literally cannot use it any other time.

Which deciding whether to use an ultimate then or later is literally the same with Valkyrie. However, with Valkyrie being more versatile and theoretically less raw power you have more situation to consider when to use it. Save yourself? Open up a fight? Avoid using it now since S76 might have ultimate? Get back to fight faster with flight and use the last 10 seconds to help team?

With Valkyrie you can attempt reactionary based things and proactive by predicting will this get usage based on enemy ultimates. To me there is planning on both accounts and strategy on both.

However, if you consider what both do Valkyrie is pretty much just a press Q that lasts 15 seconds that involves little effort. Resurrection is a press Q that involves little effort, but its just instantaneous.

We dont want more nerfs. We want a new rework. This nerf wont be the last

Honestly, at this point so many people would be satisfied with mercy getting something pretty lack luster as an E ability that is not as strong as bio nade or sleep dart and probably a single instant cast rez on Valkyrie.

You don’t purposely hold your ult for a juicy 4/5 man Rez. A tempo-Rez is far more useful in many situations. If you purposely waited for a 4/5-man Rez, you were just bad.

Resurrect as an ultimate had a similar line of questions. But if Resurrect failed, the impact would be far more noticeable than getting shot out of the sky in Valkyrie.


More useful than a re-occurring rez as an ability
And ult that allows you unparalleled mobility and chain heal/boost?

I don’t think so.

I’m not a fan of the design because I don’t like playing as it as much as the old and I don’t like playing against it as much as the old.

The general strategy I liked using in matches when I played DPS where my team was losing was to pick the enemy off one at time. Needless to say with res on a 30s cooldown that strategy is generally dead when a Mercy was in play. Additionally, once Mercy pops ult you frequently end up having to swap to ults to win the fight or retreat.

As Mercy, the ultimate let you turn a bad situation around especially one that was caused by ultimate abilities. I loathe losing fights to the enemy hitting Q. I want to lose because combat over several seconds went the other teams way not they had five people hit Q at once. I also find Valk boring. 90% of the time I am flying near max range from the fight to maximize the abilities effectiveness.

The design also suffers from balance issues that have taken a bunch of changes to get scaled down. The latest patch may or may not fix them we’ll have to see.

The design also seems to contradict itself at times.

The recent changes are also damaging one of the aspects of the character that of being a strong healer. Mercy did heal for 50 before but, for most of that time she wasn’t outgunned in the healing position. Lucio’s now only a couple points behind with amp it up and one cooldown press from Brig can heal as much as Mercy does in three seconds. Ana and Moira outhealer Mercy’s burst by 50% and 66%. Even in Ultimate Mercy won’t even be able to outheal Winston.

Now, Mercy has:

  • 2 seconds of standing still
  • unearned rez
  • spectator cam ult
  • worse healing
  • No more hero moment
  • 11ish nerfs because the Rework has apparently been so bad and op that it warrants AN ENTIRE YEAR OF NERFS
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She still the only hero that got rez