Why are people saying Pink Mercy is coming with the Anniversary?

Sorry if I missed something, I saw the skin leaks but I didn’t see where people are getting the information that Pink Mercy is coming back

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it’s on an instagram account’s story, but they were sent it as a leak & reposted it :heartpulse:

https :// instagram .com /stories/icefawkes/2307543206714439407?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=o0elkb8abvqa

sorry for the gaps, i can’t post links :two_hearts::two_hearts:

don’t pay attention at this instagrammer who are just looking for click bating and nothing-based misinformation.

and assuming that mercy pink is back, it certainly won’t do it so close to the arrival of a new event. every content that makes news is released in very slow times at great distances from each other (usually with at least 1-2 weeks of zero news), it is a marketing strategy that we now know well.

i thought it meant that pink mercy would come out within the event :two_hearts::heartpulse:

Iirc some Brazilian twitter acc leaked a screenshot of the blinding white background of Anniversary with a pink drop color and some message in Portuguese that implies Pink will be in lootboxes come Anniversary.

I don’t think it’ll happen. Blizz knows people are willing to pay, I don’t see them leaving guaranteed money on the proverbial table.

Nop, we have a leak directly from the forum WARNING SPOLER: Mercy dragoon and other skins for reaper masquerade or Ashe Little Red. You can see more informazioni online from OW YT and siete with the official screenshot . This Is a real leak because the developer Nash has posted for mistake a post for 19 May. (Next week)

Yeah I saw that, but the pink mercy leak was supposed to be from a leaked Anniversary 2020 trailer!

besides, couldn’t pink mercy fit into the “and more” category? :stuck_out_tongue:

since we’re getting 4 legendary skins per event atm, it doesn’t make much sense to say “and more” when referencing only one more legendary skin.
so who knows! :heartpulse::two_hearts:

Well knowing someone is “willing” to pay doesn’t mean they would not do a good gesture for those who wanted something.

However, I would be rather disappointed if it was obtained in just a lootbox and not for charity again.

and what would have prevented the user from taking a screenshot during the period of doomfist system shock (background similar to that of the anniversary) or an old video in which he explores his hero gallery during the 2019 anniversary?

It’s just not happening unless some radical game-changing factor comes into play.

Mercy’s pink costume has the BCRF’s logo plastered all over it, and Blizzard would have to receive permission to redistribute it. The “leaks“ claim that Blizzard is going to be selling it for a profit, but this is absolutely ridiculous. There’s no way the BCRF would let any other company make money off their brand.

There’s so much going against it. I don’t think these rumors are worth anyone’s time unless the BCRF makes a public statement renewing their agreement to have Pink Mercy back up for sale.


This is how I feel about it too.

If it’s not the case, oh boy… it’s big disrespect from them for making it a regular skin, it should only be released again if the money is going to charity.


That’s what I’m saying.

Blizz knows there’s money on the table if it were to return, whether for their pocket or their PR team is up to them, but I don’t see them dumping it in a Lootbox for anyone to possibly obtain randomly thus burning potential earnings.

I don’t even think I’ve seen anyone ask about it coming to lootboxes. Every thread I can remember was more than willing to dole out real money for it, if Blizz would return it to availability.

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I even said I don’t buy it.
I’m just trying to make it clear/known where I saw the rumor originating from.

They should do a different charity with a different skin in my opinion.

IT would be cool if they did something like psychological health charity and give Reyes (yes Reyes not Reaper) a skin for it.

There are so many possibilities. There are so many charities out there for different things that help those in need and it would be nice to see them explore different things.

That’s the thing though, it wouldn’t just be a PR disaster for Blizz, but they’d get a massive lawsuit filed against them by the BCRF. The Pink Mercy skin has the BCRF’s logo all over it, and if Blizzard is selling it for personal profit, then they’d get sued for damages incurred, punitive damages, and injunctive relief.

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Clearly :wink:

but I just want to warn anyone not to assume that everything se can see is true (an example are the classic fake leakes on archive archives and halloween)

Every single post about this uses the same screenshot too, if 1 person saw the video, surely a lot more people would have a screenshot.

I’ll believe when I see it actually happen.

I’m not against Blizz doing more limited charity skins.

I don’t like Pink so I could care less if it’s locked for eternity, but I do like the idea of using approachable cosmetics to raise funds/awareness for charities. It’d be weird to see a charity being fundraised by a skin from an earlier fundraiser.

I can only see the ribbon on it once if that’s what you’re referring to.

Either way, I don’t know anything about the potential (il)legality of selling/rereleasing Pink, nor do I have any insight to what type of contract/partnership Blizz may have started with BCRF before Pink was unleashed so I’m not even going to address that aspect.

I’m just saying I don’t believe Blizz would release it without it once again having a price tag, we saw the firestorm after Demon Hunter Sombra which was stated to not be exclusive and as something that would be available again. I doubt Blizz wants the firestorm of “I donated to charity for this and this donut gets it for free??? Why should I feel pressured to buy/donate if it all gets let out for free later?”


So… Can i hunt 15 bucks in lootboxes?