Why are people happy lootboxes are getting banned?

  1. You don’t have to buy them. No negative impact

  2. Blizzard losing profit means they’re even more unlikely to outlaw smurfing. They might even come up with something else to make money


Ikr, this can’t go well for OW and I’m afraid of more costemtics behind paywalls.


Because people want what they pay for.

The idea of buying a bunch of lootboxes with no guarantee of getting anything besides blues and greys baffles me…


Because apparently there’s a lot of people who cannot control their gambling addictions or their need to purchase things who need to be protected from themselves.


Okay, first of all nothing is happening yet. I probably started this by putting up a brainstorming thread about what Overwatch would be like if they did get banned, but nothing is planned and lootboxes are not getting banned

I’m sort of afraid of what will happen with the game.

I hope they either:
A. Don’t get banned
B. Get’s handled well (not extreme paywalls).

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I heard in some countries they are banned right? Don’t know which ones.

yea its gonna be bad for good loot box systems like overwatch. good for bad loot box systems like battlefront.

the only thing i can see is a yearly expansion that just gives all the loot box items in 1 go. or a tier system that makes you buy skip tier tokens.

Nothing really change. All this does is move the lootboxes to DLC cosmetic pack that players will have to purchase, but they can’t use it right away, since players will still need to grind through the game to have access to them. The price of the DLC bundle will be pretty pricey imo, because you are essentially buying them.

They’re not getting banned; they’re simply getting investigated by the FTC.

No, this is due to people reading about the FTC (what I said above) and already assuming a decision has been made (when it hasn’t).

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What FTC decide, with have a massive affect on the gaming industry as a whole. I wonder how mobile games will deal with it, because they will be impact the most.

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Blizzard’s loot boxes model is okay for me personally. As long as players can obtain reasonable amount of in-game currency and lootboxes through playing and it doesn’t affect the game play, that’s fine.

However, other companies have clearly shown examples of absolute mind-bogging greed and gameplay destruction for the sake of profit.


But what they pay for is The chance to get a bunch of cosmetic items that are randomly awarded through lootboxes. They pay for the acceleration of not having to level up 20 times to get the same reward.


i doubt the ftc will do anything about them truthfully
and even if they ban them it just means people will have to pay 15 dollars for the skins they want i guess?

Because like it or not people find cosmetics important and don’t like having to gamble to get what they want.
Lootboxes are just that, gambling, which last I checked was something limited to people aged 18 and over, not 12 year olds so depending on what the FTC decide they either lose the lootboxes or they lose the young, impressionable audience that lootbox systems are designed to exploit.


That’s my point though. It’s baffling that anybody would want to spend real money on a chance. It’s anti-consumerism tbqh. Having people spend money on a chance instead of giving them the actual product that they want. Hell, if they made it to where you can buy lootboxes that guarantee an epic/legendary (even with different prices!) it would make more sense to me.

I never understood gambling, therefore I never understood stuff like lootboxes in OW or Rocket League.

I like to use my money toward stuff that I actually get. It’s my personal opinion anyway.


I’m on the fence on loot boxes.

I think your conclusion is a non sequitur. Blizzard already makes millions they still let top 1% player or OWL player get slap on the wrist even if they break the rules repeatedly. If normal player did the same they would be permbanned… Blizzard lets it slide because they still make Blizzard Money or popular.

Look what happening with Diablo and mobile gaming. They don’t even know their fan base anymore. Diablo3 with auction house and pay2win was a disaster. They put profit over players and fun and had to rework their staff to address it.


Overwatch is marketed to teens so yeah theres no reason to have gambling mechanics aimed at children who don’t know any better.

gambling is regulated for a reason.


I mean.
They’ve still got OWL.
And the people who like buying team skins.

I guess.

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If they do ban the sale of boxes, Bliz will just sell a bit of credits and throw some boxes in for “free” which they’ve already done before. They can’t actually ban the boxes themselves, just the direct sale of those boxes.

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