All she does is heal or damage boost. Her kit is designed around just healing and surviving to heal. Switch to her pistol? yeah but then she cant heal she is designed a a pure healer, how is she an off healer?
I know my friends call her an off healer because she doesn’t do as much healing anymore
Because she just doesn’t do enough heals to be considered a main healer unlike Moira or Ana. That’s just my opinion though.
Because her healing output is a lot lower now vs healers like Ana or Moira, when she’s supposed to be the best single target healer in game.
Its a bad joke honestly.
Running dual main healer with ana + moira or ana + mercy is a terrible thing to do as you just lack damage at all as all of them cannot attack and heal at the same time.
Offhealers in brig, lucio, and zen can heal and focus on killing stuff to boot.
She s a main healer in terms of kit but in terms of output… she s not really… like main healers need to help the entire team (which is why pocket mercys before was considered bad because they neglected the rest of the team) but right now mercy’s most viable gameplay is as a pocket healer
She heals less damage than Winston deals, and one of Winston’s defining traits is how little damage he does per second. Therefore, off healer
Ana and Mercy works really well in comp. WDYM?
Honestly, her healing output is just fine in various compositions of 2/2/2 with a main tank that shields. Its when you have +3 tanks that you are screwed.
She makes a terrible off healer because she can’t save you from any ultimate. It’s clear she’s a main healer.
Yeah , someone has to babysit the Ana when she’s being focused or maybe she needs rez when she dies.
ppl are calling her an off healer bc theres literally ZERO (0) reason to pick her over ana or moira lmao
It s a meh to me because i used to heal who ever was under fire, now it s pointless to do that because it s so easy to outdamage 50hps so youre better off healing someone else instead of the guy being attacked
There s a reason people say she s balanced but her role has been delegated to a pocket healer
She’s a terrible main healer because her healing is the lowest of all main healers and her Valkyrie is equal to Lucio’s amp it up. It’s clear she’s meant to be a flying health pack.
Mercy has been relegated to a “top off” healer now.
When a target is being focused, she has no chance of keeping them standing, where as Ana and Moira can easily keep a target standing while being focused.
Mercy still has a place in the roster, and she still works great to top off injured players who aren’t receiving damage, but she just can’t keep up with sustained damage any longer. Hence why she has been relegated to off-healer status.
That’s always been the case. I’ve been saying she’s boring since day one, but people looked past that just because of her ultimate.
No hero should be dependent on their ultimate soley for fun.
She’s not a main healer though. Her heals are horrible compared to the other main healers.
No hero should be dependent solely on their teammates either , but here we are complaining about Mercy again
Because she doesn’t have the healing output to reliably serve as a main healer anymore and the only reason you’d pick her right now is because of her utility that is rez
Honestly, I never played Mercy purely because of this, but parts of it were fun.
Then GA bug got made into a real thing and her fun skyrocketed.