Why are mercy mains crying?

If youre standing there like a bump on a log, sure.

You shouldnt be, nor do you have to be.

Maybe. But probably not. Mercy is still quite difficult to kill. She still has extremely good mobility, and her ability to generally have non-stop healing on herself helps as well.

Point was however- She can do exactly what I said. She can GA, SJ away, glide, not touch the ground, and GA again. Shes never a “sitting duck”. Shes not sharply more vulnerable. Shes still a difficult target to pin down.

1.3second to be exact.

There is also fly to ally A, slingshot towards ally B, to fly to them when CD goes back…

That is practically gone now.

Also half health for majority of the cast is less than 125 HP… That is 1HKO for MANY heroes in this game… So the change just feels like I am ought to pocket a tank instead of damage hero…


It’s huge time under any circumstances in such fast paced game.


How can you not hit her with that hitbox and her just hanging in the air?

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Because she tends to be moving around quite a lot while shes up there. Again, theres about 1~ second where shes “slowing down” before she gets GA back up and is off again.

Plus shes healing her self fairly non-stop while doing this now.

Hitting her, and securing an elimination against her, are two very different things. Are you dying a lot all of a sudden?

Remember this thread?

It’s exactly the same thing. Buffs on paper but you destroy the entire feel of a character as well years of muscle memory. She just doesn’t feel good to play anymore.

Do you have a game showing this? She can’t do anything in flight. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Do you mean her Valkyrie?

Yeah, I get taken out in the air. She’s pretty bad. Turrets, Hanzos, Widows, and any half-decent hitscan will just kill you. Her hitbox is much larger while in the air. You also can’t move well. It’s pretty dumb to do now.


She is the most popular support in the game like Genji in dps role.

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Not true…

Ana was more picked in OW1.

Now she is third after Kiri and Ana

I came up with dark idea, but it can be fun - ability, where Mercy shoots herself with her pistol, to avoid giving enemy the kills.

Well… Thematically it would be better with Kiri…

You know, she is Japanese and sudoku or subaru or whatever it was called was a thing there (-;

Kiriko doesn’t have katana to commit seppuku. But shooting yourself with pistol is popular way of suicide among people with access to firearms.

Then add it to Genji lol :sweat_smile:

He is cyborg, so just stabbing himself with katana probably won’t really do much for him.

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depends on what he will damage with it. If it is part of his respiratory system, then it will kill him. (-;

If that was remotely true… all of you would be loosing your minds right now considering how the last few weeks have been like :roll_eyes:

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Point is, Mercy would find it useful with new GA cooldown.

Back in TF2 it’s something players do quite often. Soldier even has suicide explosion taunt. For everyone else there is kill bind.

So maybe something better…

Add Friendly Fire to her glock, so she can damage her own teammates to heal off of them (-;

I think you’ll like it, since you like the ideals of Medic from TF2

I also like ideas of Spy, so if Mercy gets feign death, it would be great.

Your pocket is dead? Pretend to be gunned down, then get up and resurrect your pocket.

I like it…

Please add it Blizzard