Why are dps queue times near 20 minutes in gold?

What’s fun or not is by definition an opinion…

The level of ego in this is staggering.

He solo queued to gm from unranked in around 8 hours. That’s called carrying. You’d do well to go watch the series and see how different his mindset is.

It is completely on the community. Queue times, all queue times, are entirely dependent on the playerbase.

A literal definition of fun is something amusing, enjoyful, and lighthearted pleasure. None of those things describe losing.

No ego. I did my job as a Healer. I didn’t deal damage & I stuck with Tanks. The morons that overextend, are the ones that made the mistakes.

Nerfed to death Mercy needs good Tanks to win, or else she’s easily killed by DPS. She cant carry & the player is just a masochist. Oh, and one person torturing themselves by going rank after rank as Mercy, doesnt speak for the rest of the rest of the playerbase.

There’s a lot of bad players in this game who don’t know how to play it and just want to shoot things and think that counts. Hence, long queue times, especially in Gold.

And when the game is flooded with these bad players, no one wants to play Tank or Healer for them because they’re so bad and ungrateful. So they say ‘screw it’ and play DPS too and the cycle continues.

Its why they hate 2-2-2 Role Lock and advocate for 1-3-2. 2-2-2 is better for the health of the game, but half of the playerbase only wants to do the shooty-shooty bang-bangs and not so much of the ‘teamwork’ part.

regarding the topic question “Why are dps queue times near 20 minutes in gold?”

Because Blizzard added 222 to the game while knowwing this would create a bottleneck in the dps queue

Which DPS players were begging for for over two years (since late 2016 to be exact), knowing full well that their queue times would increase manifold.

Yeah, but that’s probably less to do with tanking, and more to do with good shotcalling.

Chances are he couldn’t do it with his mic muted

I accept and understand that this is how you personally feel about this

However, not all dps players want/wanted 222, and not all dps players are/were in acceptance of these excessive wait times

Because it’s the most popular role by a long shot with the most reverse series of gameplay.

That’s quite true. Only a tiny portion of the playerbase participates in reddit discussions, comes to these forums, or listens to YouTube yokels like Stylosa. Most people were logging in and enjoying their game, blissfully unaware of the debate that was raging around them. Then one day they logged in, after a patch, and their queue time was 10+ minutes.

yea because blizzard cant get tanks and supports right and keep buffing dps and nerfing supports

This is just straight up false. Perhaps the point of a game for you is to win. But for many the point of a game is to have fun. Thats how it is for me. I have 1000% more fun losing a close match than winning a spawn camp. Winning is not synonymous with fun for everyone. Losing is not synonymous for boring for everyone.

The logic you applied to “it’s a game” is also flawed. People’s definition of fun varies. Some people have fun healing. Some people have fun dpsing. Some people have fun tanking. Some people just enjoy a heroes weapon. Some people just enjoy the skins of a certain hero. Some people enjoy certain voice lines. Some people like the lore of a hero. You can’t wholesale just say that all of those styles conveniently fit into the 3 defined roles. And even if you could, there is a high chance that they wouldn’t be equal in number.

The fact is, OW is just a game. For many, that means they play it to relax and have fun.


Oh my god, you are so stupid. You can enjoy being stuck in bronze where i’m sure you are with the mindset of “its everyone else’s fault”. SO what if people play better than you, it doesn’t mean their perfect. Everyone makes mistakes.

Keep in mind, the constant in all of your matches is YOU! Maybe consider your entitled a** might be the issue and not everyone else on your team. Don’t even bother responding to me because nothing you say is smart. You sound like a fricken 5 year old who got in trouble for coloring on the wall and is trying to pin the blame on the family dog while you are holding the crayon in your hand.

Like honestly, you look like a fool. FUN IS SUBJECTIVE! Like god dang you are stupid. Enjoy your life stuck in bronze because you cant grow up, see your own mistakes, and get the idea that you deserve to be in Masters out of your head.

Again, losing isn’t fun.

Quit lying. Losing close matches are the worst. Well, in current OW. At least back in old OW it wasnt rare to be put on a good team. And destroying teams to the point that they get out their spawn is the best, one of the few things in OW that can get a laugh out. So much so you almost forget about winning & just want to see how long you can keep the other team that far back.

As Ive said, a literal definition for fun is something enjoyful, amusing & lighthearted pleasure. Those terms & losing dont mix. Bringing up certain roles doesnt help. Less people go Tank & Healer because those roles suck due to Blizzard nerfing them to death.

The only ones in those roles that are fun to play, are ones that are just DPS. People have fun playing Lucio, but not Mercy. People have fun with Hog, but not Rein.

Overwatch is a team game. There hasn’t been anything relaxing about it since old OW. Enemy teams always play QP, Arcade & ecen Experimental as if its Comp. Anyone that picks OW to relax in, but dont go to VS AI or Custom Games, are throwers & deserve to get reported because they’re a huge reason why 99% of matches are one-sided.

You want to assume ranks? Let’s go there, I was stuck in Gold for so long because of garbage. I got to Plat as a Healer thanks to the good team I was win(it was one time LFG actually worked). I stopped caring about those higher ranks long ago, I dont give a d*** about about those very high tryhard ranks. Plat was the goal. But two seasons later, garbage teammates ruined it in Placements, put me back to Gold. Ive been done with Comp since. Im not going through that h311 again.

Healers & Tanks cant carry. When Im put on a garbage team, I already lost. Those bs losses were the 5 garbage teammates’ faults, not my own. I did what I was supposed to do as a Healer. The rest of the team didn’t do their jobs.

And such bad teammates are all over QP & Arcade too. I wasnt even talikng about Comp.

Wanting to be on good teams all the time in a team game is entitlement? Tf kind of logic is that?

Trash teammates shouldnt even be around in a game like OW. No other shooter alone has this problem.

The only a way 6v6 loss can be the single player’s own fault in OW is if everyone were DPS(which is inevitable), meaning no more teammate reliance, and if SR gain was due to how well you do in your role, whether you win or lose(but SR gain would be small after a loss), which would take away the Comp frustration, but that wont happen.

Again, losing isnt fun. Losing SR sure as h311 isn’t fun. Losing because a Tank teammate picks Hog or Hammond instead of a real Tank, isn’t fun.

For you. Other people dont need your permission to find things fun.

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No one finds losing fun except throwers. In fact, speak for yourself when it comes to losing(btw, none of its definitions equate to anything good & positive. Except weight loss), being fine.

The fact that Comp tryhards are all over the non-Comp modes, shows that winning is the only thing about OW thats fun. When the enemy team is h***bent on winning to the point that they are holding that final point down, why in the world shouldnt I play as such too?

In fact, I played a few No Limits matches, trying to “just play”, dont worry about my teammate’s picks or the enemy’s picks, of course the losses outweighed the wins. I especially hate the kind of losses where one team has a No Limits set-up going that can be easily countered, but my team refuses to counter. In one NL match, the enemy went with multiple Ashes, I went Moira, I was the only one eliminating enemy players alot, but multiple Moiras would’ve won that, or at best three. But what was on my team? A bunch of crap, especially 2 Widows. So much for “just playing” the game, there’s nothing fun about being stuck with uncooperative morons in NL, when the solution to the enemy’s set-up is clear as day & said morons ignore it. And that bs happens again & again. What’s the term that sums that up? Tilt?

Its just baffling why those type of teammates dont stay in VS AI where they belong. And if I end up stuck with them, they’re getting reported. Players not countering is certainly gameplay sabotage. Such teammates aren’t mistakenly going with certain picks & arent mistakenly never switching as if its Day 1 Overwatch. They’re sticking with that crappy pick like glue, they’re not switching on purpose, even though it’s not getting the win.

A problem that everyone is far too aware of.

It is what it is. I kinda gave up on ow cuz of queue times… it used to be like lets do one more… now its like no. Lets leave it.

I do indeed enjoy losing a close match much more than winning a stomp. I am certain I am not the only one who does so. I am not alone in my thinking of fun. Winning is not the definition of fun. You can claim winning is the only possible way to have fun in a game, but you are wrong.

You can disagree with me, but I’d thank you to not call me a liar. Wholesale insults on a person’s character like that aren’t warranted for this discussion.


Either you are, or are one of a very small few.

Winning is enjoyful, amusing & a lighthearted pleasure. Losing is none of those things, period.