Why are devs FORUM profiles HIDDEN ⁉

Not so much the rework, but the lack of trying to cooperate with the developers after the rework.

I.e. “Okay fine, if this is the direction you want to design Mercy, here are some adjustments to fix it”

As opposed to “Delete this, gimme back the old design, I refuse to help in any way to make the current design good”.

I mean, that’s what the Devs did to Alpha Valkyrie Mercy. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


its hard to cooperate and discuss with them when they never communicate properly.

(and lets not mention the what 13 or whatever megathreads they ignored)

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The post you linked and 99% of the Megathreads can be summarized as “Gimme back something like Mass Rez”.

Barely any of the posts were “Okay you want to do a Valkyrie ultimate, and weaken Rez? Here’s how you can implement this type of design to be more fun and balanced.”
And the very few posts that were that were buried in a sea of “Gimme back something like Mass Rez”.

That’s some really strong bias you got there.

you should really read titaniums op.

despite what you downplay it to be its a lot more indepth then you give it credit for.

also I find it funny when you want people to respect your stance but you cant respect others in the slightest.


I don’t particularly care about the justifications.

As for the design it’s really not that complex.

It’s basically 1) Remove Valk 2) Make a 15m range version of High Noon that does a Rez.

And like said above, the devs really really don’t seem interested in implementing something like Mass Rez.

It would have saved a lot of hassle and development if they would have just outright said they aren’t currently interested in something similar to Mass Rez, but are open to other ideas.

Sigh. Which one of them said that? In which post? And no, linking the ”We have no plans to revert Mercy” doesn’t count. Adding a new version of mass Rez isn’t a revert.

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That’s the problem. They never said it.

But the implication given by 13 megathreads quarantining discussion about it, and never discussing it, is extremely strong.

Or are you trying to act like there’s no meaning behind that?

There’s also been no mention of any Bastion changes. Guess they don’t feel like he needs changes either.

Or, Reaper. Or… I think you get my point.

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Last I checked, I don’t see forum admins mass locking Bastion/Reaper posts and putting them in an unreadable Megathread. Much less 13 of them.

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They aren’t even doing that anymore since the last megathread was being locked continuously by false flags for 2 months straight.

titaniums post is now the new main hub of mercy discussion as the megathread is now a meme fest.

Neither do I but I also don’t see forum admins mass locking mercy posts anymore so what exactly is your point since this is no longer true.

it only strengthens our stance.

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So do you figure Mercy posters would start suggesting constructive ideas if the devs reconfirmed that they aren’t interested in ideas similar to Mass Rez?

But why NOT on Twitter? Twitter is still community engagement. Twitter still lets people @ them and give feedback. Why get angry about where a dev is engaging with the community, when they are there actively engaging with the community (AND monitoring the game working properly).

This is why I have 0 problems with devs’ read hours being hidden, because people will always have opinions about whether it’s enough (“Why are you on Twitter and not the forums?!”) or too much (“Pfft, now I see why the game is such a mess, you’re always on the forums”), and the number really has very little to do with how much they care or are engaged or are doing their jobs.

They are hidden because there are some entitled stalkers hiding in the forums.

If the devs ever say anything the ratio of good-bad is 1:10 thanks to those people.

It’s not worth it for them or for us forum normies. :upside_down_face:

Suggestions that include Mass Rez aren’t automatically nonconstructive, and you don’t get to determine what is/isn’t in the first place.


Well, in the scenario I just posted the devs would have confirmed they don’t want Mass Rez ideas.

So by definition, posting Mass Rez ideas would be non-constructive.

It’s probably because they don’t want us to know just how much they aren’t reading the forums at all.


From my understanding they are living inside of this very large panic room in the basement of Blizzard studios. They are hiding from ALL of the Angry Mercy mains. INfact I dont think they even have a HOME outside of blizzard studios. so My guess is. They wont have their profiles public either . :slight_smile:

I too am not too crazy about this change in the forum system. Thank goodness I completed the Blizz/Dev Post Directory guide before this happened. That project could have been slowed up big time if I had only the Blizz Tracker feeds to sort posts from.


This forum is supposed to be a place where every player can share their opinions, experiences, and questions about the game.

The devs reworked my favorite hero and made her completely trash because “some players were doing hide n rez”. I’ve played her after the rework. And after the I-don’t-know-anymore-how-many nerfs.
They gave me a place to directly share my feedback about this concept to make it easier for them to read it (lol), and I’ve given my feedback which is

  • This rework is trash.

There’s nothing good from this rework, except maybe the new GA tricks (bunnyhop & superjump). Everything else has been nerfed and is no longer enjoyable.

Old Mercy was way more enjoyable, engaging and complex.
Why should I bother trying to fix Blizzard’s mess when we know that there’s a specific option that worked for an entire year ?

I mean if you don’t like Mass Rez and consider any proposition that includes it to be unconstructive, that’s your problem, but please don’t hold Mercy players responsible for the terrible rework they had to endure.

As for the devs profile being hidden, maybe they think hiding will make the problems disapear :man_shrugging:

Guess what ? It doesn’t.
I see you Jeff. I won’t go away until you fix Mercy.