Why are Competitive Group Restrictions Here?

I am GM and get hardstuck golds in my games very commonly, they were never any higher than gold as the devs suggested in the last livestream stating that “those aren’t really golds, they just haven’t caught back up to their mmr after rank decay”. This is untrue…

Golds are an extreme but the majority of my games are plats and diamond who are outside of GM group skill range too.

How does it make sense that I can’t group with 80% of the people in the solo Q competitive lobby?

Furthermore, how does it make sense to vilify people for making alt accounts to Q with the friends that they make in those lobbies?


This is why i don’t care about climbing if mmr is how players for a match is decided why have rank decay just have a 1:1 relationship between mmr and your rank

The question you need to ask your self is do you want to be number 1 aka top 500 or do you want to play with your friends cause smurf accounts are just bad. Every once an awhile a new friend might try OW, cause they are new it feels like an uphill battle to win cause they have the deck stack against them cause of my mmr placement lets just say i usually lose more games than i win. But i enjoy playing with them.

Now you create a new acct to play with your friends your on a lower pedestal and get to slaughter scrubs cause game hasn’t determined your place yet. That’s everyone’s beef with smurf accts

Why would I work towards GM to have more restrictions placed on me.

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The whole grouping restriction thing is stupid in general, to putting them in separate queue lobbies and only allowing 2 per GM ranked team.

Game is so much better with friends or a group of like-minded individuals. Makes even the toughest losses fun.

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Agreed, the best is making comebacks after a tough round on defence which is normally impossible since people tilt and give up.

Because people in Masters+ are so few people, that it would destroy everything and would make finding matches impossible. Especially when the top 500 players play together.

It sucks but this is the reason: balance.

I played between masters and top 500 a lot in overwatch 1 and this was never an issue, now I’m getting instant Q’s with gold. I would actually prefer to wait a minute or 2 to chill between games, especially if it means balanced lobbies.

You cannot form a 5 stack of GM players because of OWL. Several years ago, after OWL scrims would end, those players would form groups and run roughshod over everyone. It got to the point that GM players would stop playing and the population would drop, leading to extreme queue times. The 2 player limit was meant to negate the potential for playing against a full stack of pros.

The decay issue should go away in season 4, so you shouldn’t see GM players with plat ranks anymore. Then we’ll see if that was the case, or if it was just bad matchmaking.