Why are comp matches so weird

I’ve played for few days now after a long break. Teams feel so disoriented and makes no sense. People feeding their brains out and trickling in to the fight to die. What in the **** is going on with comp? I’ve played in gold before and it never has been like this.

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It’s very poor timing.

In voice I use key words as:
soft reset
Kite back
And hard reset.

Usually that get people in sync. It’s just so much information, and I see tanks solo ulting on their death bed then complain why there are no follow ups…. It’s at certain levels if I see 5 different tanks do this multiple times a game, it can’t be the people? Or maybe THATs what the ranks mean.

Also then are ranks not a measure of skill but a measure in information digestion. So the skill of paying attention and not pointing and clicking.

At the same time, where is my deficiency if I can recognize that and I’m in their rank. WISH I KNEW! Poor stats and analysis. I gotta pay 20 bucks a month to external folks, wish that could go to the game and keep them afloat, maybe that’s how they get their bonuses!

Personally I think some of it has to do with the new match making restrictions. Wide groups are removed so you have a bunch of solo players grouped together in matches which reduces team cohesion. Voice chat and pinging may help you.

I just wonder why those people play comp. If someone would invent an algorithm to detect that behavior, then place those people in their own shadow queue. It would consist of them and filler ai bots that would talk smack and say random stuff people say all the time in chat. They’d never be the wiser and both populations would be happier.

Agreed if you have a history of throwing/leaving games and have been reported multiple times due to it, there needs to be a special Q that puts all of those players together so they can make all those games insufferable