Why are brand new players put in gold games?

I see that as a preference of anything. Because if we all started at the bottom it would perhaps be more hectic in the beginning but I see it as a better long-term investment. There would be a lot of variety of skill in the low levels I would result in some pretty crazy stomps but this would be short lived.

The way it currently is now I get that it’s for absorption that we’re most average players will end up somewhere around there It’s generally more comfortable in the beginning I guess you could say. However this comes at the expense of you ruining people’s games who really are at that rank whereas if you’re at zero rank and you’re starting from there there’s nothing to ruin because it’s rank zero, farther away you get from rank 0 the more perfect size the system would be. It would operate the same way natural selection does really

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Yes but that’s assuming that the Smurf is just going to say oh well and let himself be ranked up. If a Smurf wants to stay at bronze then he’s only going to derank after every anyway So it’s not like he’s going to let himself get ranked up.


all the ranks are competitive


A brand new player is 99.9999% not going to be an average player off the bat.


They might be brand new to Overwatch, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have any FPS experience or understanding of games.

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For how this is just a flawed opinion with no real evidence see here:


Yes, but the below average would have less impact.

The games for the majority of players is MORE volatile and inconsistent, because 70% of the playerbase can be matched with both a GM smurf and a bronze-level player in the same match.


I think that people should have to play 25 levels in Quickplay/Quickplay classic (no other modes counts exp) before being placed into comp.

Then it reads all the games they have played for the whole 25 levels before giving them a rank. It would mean that a new player smurf would have to throw 25 levels to be placed with a low SR. I think it would put people off. I even think people should have to get to level 50 to play comp. 50 levels is nothing in the grand scheme of it.


But it does not make sense to assume new players to be average in a 5 year old game, it rather makes sense to assume they are well below average.


It does make sense and it is way easier to place someone in Gold and see how they play than it is to place someone in the bottom or top ranks as that wouldn’t be as helpful.

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No it does not make any sense at all, and it is not “easier” or harder to place someone in any arbitrary rank, it is only “easier” to place them close to the rank they belong.


I don’t know man, you tell me wether it is easier and faster to do the following:

  1. Everyone starts in Bronze, which means that a top player will take long to reach his intended rank.

  2. Everyone starts in Gold, which means a top player will reach their intended rank WAY faster.

Tell me which of the options has the least impact on lower ranked matches and helps players reach their intended rank faster

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They should introduce 2 new steps:

  1. New accounts must level to at least 50 before playing ranked for the first time (I considered saying 100)

  2. When first selecting ranked players are given a choice of paths: New Player placing (player starts at 1500 and is given a one-off award of 3000 gold gun points), or Veteran placing (player plays placement matches like now). There is a warning by Veteran placing to say it is not recommended for new Overwatch players.


The real issue is that QP and Comp do not share MMR data. So when a fresh account starts placements they are put into Gold. This means genuinely new players are playing in a rank too high for them, while smurfs are playing in a rank too low for them. A reasonable solution is that Comp should use QP MMR to start their placements.

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Because the game already knows that the vast, vast majority of new accounts do not belong in Bronze.

So putting new accounts in Bronze would be a waste of time for actual Bronzies & for most new accounts.


It does not matter, initial rank does not influence at all how fast you can adjust SR/MMR.

Only a tiny fraction of players are top players, you could even call the amount of players that are top player negligible. So if we would assume you could only adjust SR/MMR a set amount in fact placing anyone gold would on average lead to more ruined games, as the average new Overwatch player certainly is at maximum silver level.


hahahahahahahahaha. You serious?

That doesn’t fix because someone can get to level 25 without even playing the 6v6 game. Account sellers just put 6 bots in arcade/player vs bot farming the whole day (which is a terrible thing by its own). Competitive should have a minimum quickplay/quickplay classic match restriction and put players on a starting rank based only on their QP MMR.

A long time ago when I was low Diamand, they did a discount week and I had in my team a ball that would just go in the enemy line 1v6 the entire game in Volskaya, a orisa that just ran backwards the entire game in Blizzard World until she quit and a Orisa in Havana that just stand in our backline using fortify. They were clearly not platinum/gold, yet the game thought it was a good idea for them to start there.


Actually, I think it would be beneficial for bronze.

Because the pool of true bronze is small, it’s easy for anyone to slowly derank. Hence why there are Plat+ hanging around destroying the bronze players game after game.


I agree with you, I really hope that the new partnership with IBM will help the devs make a better matchmaker, and classify better the new accounts. Usually games with players under lvl 100 are waaay to random, because either is an actually new account, or is a
“smurf” and in both cases the game is one sided.