Why are Blizz so silent?

1/500 posts is not “plenty of valid criticism”. Especially when the way the criticism is presented is “Let’s boycott mercy!” as well as threats and other things that are generally against CoC (Spam, namecalling, etc.)

So what you’re telling me, is that if you told a large body of people, repeatedly, that what they want is not going to happen, and thus they responded with an angry mob, you would acknowledge it?

You said “No, I’m not gonna mow your grass” to all your neighbors, not just once, but 4 times. They responded by threatening to break your windows and picketing outside your house. Would you even acknowledge them? Or would you ignore them until they just went away?

That’s how Blizzard feels at the moment.

Not only have players been making demands of the devs that they’ve said specifically that they would not do multiple times, the players are also going to threats, name calling, as well as just shouting.

Honestly, I’m pretty shocked Blizzard was able to put everything back in the megathread and didn’t just put a banhammer on them.


Im surprised blizzard didnt just stop completely. These forums have the most toxic individuals at times i dont know how they cope

It feels like most Mercy mains have an aneurism every time Mercy gets nerfed.

If you care that much about a video game, it’s time to stop.

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Micheal Chu is still active. poggers

Because every single time they say something, some sort of fire starts, granted some bigger than others, but a fire nonetheless.

It’s gotten to the point where Blizzard employees pretty much avoid the risk of starting anything unless it’s right before a patch goes on live/PTR, which will start the fire anyways.

Its the same with every hero. Most people who make posts crying for buffs or nerfs are looking at it personally and not from a technical and analytical viewpoint which is what blizzard does. Thank god actually because the amount of posts recently about doomfist would have led to nerfs if blizzard didnt do things the way they do

Yet, Mercy players have done this for a year or more at this point.

Most other hero changes get less than 2 weeks of the playerbase saying they don’t like it.

Mercy’s had a lot of changes. It’s time the devs put resources into some other hero.

Remember this time last year? Between September 2017 and February 2018, almost every patch that wasn’t just bug fixes had a major mercy change. After ~February, every major patch has more than just Mercy stuff in it.

Balance in all things. Not just one thing.

Yep though i do think mercy is their biggest challenge. They will eventually figure out the perfect balance but for right now mercy players will survive. There are a lot of other heroes that need work. Bastion and hog for example

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They might be working on something big. They usually get silent before something big is announced. Or the devs just had enough of the forums and decided to be less active, which I can somewhat understand.

I do think something big is coming. Jeff did say a new social feature would be here before the end of the summer. Also gamescom is beginning so we could see a new map announcement perhaps a hero 29 tease who knows but i have a feeling some good stuff is on the way. It may be too early for another hero tease tho. Hopefully not

I think Mercy was in a good spot a week ago.

Did she need the -10hp/s? Idk. Time will tell. I do think she wasn’t meant to stop all consistent damage. She enabled one shots as she was simply able to heal over most of the damage players were able to do if they didn’t do it fast enough. Then, she’s a must pick because she’s able to res victims of one-shotting.

I think she will be fine and in a much better spot in a week or so. Until then, Mods need to start cracking down on Mercy spam via the forums. Non-Mercy’s (not for the cause) are getting frustrated and tired of it.

At least ana and lucio are more enabled now. They are definitely looking a lot more viable and i love playing those two supports so im happy

I agree.

Taking out the top dog really helps with the rest of the cast.

I don’t think Lucio will be great in this current meta though. He simply doesn’t fit or help anyone except for passive heals.

The entire rest of the support roster fits much better.

Lucio’s just always a map specific hero. He’s not really great without booping people off ledges.

Lucio is good as a peel character. Very good for protecting ana or whatever other main healer you have as long as said healer can do their job well so lucio doesnt have to be constantly trying to heal . He can also dive in and save a dps or tank from death with quick boop and burst of healing

Other than those few uses, he’s pretty useless though.

Which is a good thing as we need more niche in every hero. Nobody should overshadow someone else in a majority of situations.

Why should they? Not sure if you’ve taken a look around here but this place is full of jerks and people who generally talk crap about them day in and day out about how they “arent doing their job”. Why on Earth would they want to come here and have conversations with you people? So you can complain and moan even more?

Yep lucio has his moments and thats what makes him so balanced. Not good everywhere but good where he needs to be

They cope by not coming here and talking to them lol.

The thing is, Blizzard has responded to Mercy claims. The Mercy community is largely ignoring context and what they directly said.

They said in May that she doesn’t need any changes right now. They said in February that she isn’t getting a revert, period.

They take the May comment out of context and say “right now” doesn’t exist. They flat out ignore the February comment.

Cant blame them tbh look at these forums. Starting to remind me of the cod community and that is a dark place my friend