Why am I so bad?

Here’s the best advice I can think of.

Either YOU help YOURSELF out of bronze by ACTUALLY putting in the work to improve, or QUIT the game because you obviously CAN’T HANDLE IT.


Probably the latter. Which I already said I should probably do. If you’re getting upset that I don’t like your advice, you really shouldn’t be trying to hand out advice at all. Just another example of how this game/community promotes toxicity.

Nah he’s looking for a magic answer but I get the feeling even if we gave an ultra specific one, he’d still insult us like he has every single responder so I wouldnt waste any more time in here


The issue is when people give bad advice. I’m especially pissed that I had a bot answer me.

It wasn’t bad advice and nobody here is a bot.

My best suggestion is to take a full video of one of your games and upload it, then come back and ask for suggestions. I’m guessing if you’re in bronze there is probably something obvious and drastic wrong and it should be easy to catch.


Watch guides, watch your replays, watch other coaching videos. Identify whats wrong in your replays and then work on it in qp.

For example, when I play support I notice I have trouble tracking ultimates and using my abilities at the right time. So I focus on that in qp until I feel comfortable going into comp.

It’s all about identifying your mistakes and seeing how you can improve


This is a classic double bind scenario, where the OP wants you to try to help, but if you help they’ll scold you, and in the process scold all those who don’t help.


The tech support person is a bot. If i made a support post and they replied to it, they would just copy and paste bs instead of being a real person. Which is essentially what they did here as well.

They are not a bot, and in fact, calling them a bot is pretty rude to all of us who have talked to them many times before. Especially given that they’re really nice and very helpful.


Wyoming is not a tech support or a bot, theyre a VIP community member and one of the best people around here


Wow. Way to just defeat the whole point of your thread.

None of his advice was bad. I don’t really think you deserve advice for responding like that.


Yeah. I found the problem. Definitely an attitude problem on your end.


I have a feeling OP has a case little brat disease. Sorry to be rude, but seriously, dude. You’re being mean.


Better tell what did you do to improove? What is your training process? I mean you play a lot, but this is not solving your problem, so I think training process should be concious thing and playing comp should be just a part of it, considered as resumation or reflection of how good you prepared to it.
For me, when I realise what heroes woudl I play, I made my own training process. Like there was Ashe released at ptr, I decide to ontrick her to gm, so, 1h before comp, mostly everyday I shoot bots: map temple of anubis for short range, then numbani for medium-long range, bots - Anna with headshots only mode, then increase thier movement speed to 30-50% to train hardflics. After that I discovered some workshop modes when it was released, some was good for tracking training , some was good for learning heroes animations when you shoot them (which I did currently in matches, bc there was no workshop at all) And then, after all of that I went to comp fully confident at my consistency with aiming. After that when I found myself stagnant, I was searching for best Ashe players, found Crosyph, become his fan, 1st couple of weeks I was just impressing how consistent his aim and didn’t realise how good his gamesense, positioning and interaction with teammates by his callouts. I start learning (3300 sr hardstuck) Then there was a day at his stream, where he was doing vod review for his community. I’ve sent him my Ashe gameplay and he directly show me my mistakes. I don’t know was that reason or just believe, but next 2 weeks I climbed to mid masters. Learn to compare yourself with the bests, then you will answer what to improve, then work on it. W/o work, just4fun you will never climb. And also, don’t think about SR, at least try to not think about winning or loosing at all. Focus on things that you could do better after you died: how could u survive, what was the problem, how could’ve done beter at this situation, was it lack of aim or bad positioning, mb you didn’t expect upcomming ults…etc. Hope this will help you to start.
Take a look at my little story, very drammatic start and epic end =)

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Yeah, I too wonder why you’re so bad at this game.


The green isn’t bots lol. They are just a normal forum goer who helped people enough to get promoted to a moderator position. The advice they give is right. 100%. That’s all the advice one can give without information.

How can someone give “better advice” when we don’t know how good you are at the game? We see no gameplay, we see no stats other than your SR, which tells us nothing of your accuracy or how good your computer is.

If you go somewhere for help, humble yourself to below the people you are asking. This is true of all advice in life. If you need help, the person helping you is better, knows more than you, and wants to lift you up. The way you’re acting is like someone going to an AA meeting and disregarding the head person’s advice simply because you don’t trust counselors. What??

There are no right answers for a unspecific question.


Vulgar display of closed-mindedness.

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  1. Stop solo queuing - team up with friends who blend well with your playstyle.
  2. Practice with your main a LOT. Bruce Lee once said he was more afraid of a man who practiced one kick a thousand times than a guy who practiced one thousand different kicks once. Pick 2 heroes of each class as your mains and get really good with them.
  3. Play against AI until you are really confident. I was maining Lucio, then I wanted to try Baptiste - so I practiced a million times in Hard AI and QP. Once I felt good enough, I took him to comp.

Keep grinding – you’ll get better!

Because you’re too busy trolling the forums than concentrating on getting better.

Don’t worry, I have the same issue :joy:

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To me getting better at this game is all about improving little details that make a huge difference as a whole. Finding the perfect sensitivity for you takes time, also good hardware, a good mouse, comfortable mousepad, and playing with a good posture. These things seem small, but when you improve many of these little factors, the result is generally a significant betterment in SR and gameplay.

Ranking up IMO is also about recognizing when you’re in the right state of mind to play Comp. This game requires TONS of concentration and cognitive effort. Don’t play it when you’re sleepy, tired, feeling negative emotions or with an unclear head.