Why all the salt Mercy mains?

Really all the current tweaks address is pick rates temporarily. There’s going to be at least certain amount of Mercy players who are now not going to to play her, thus bringing the pick rate down.

I mean I’ll take what I can so I suppose I’m happy about it: less Mercies.

Eventually people will realize how insignificant the nerf is in grand scheme of things and the pick rate will go back up. we’ll likely see a resurgence of these complain thread once more when that time comes.

For now we can at least breathe a sigh of relief.

I don’t see any… the only thing I see are threads going off at mercy players :thinking:


I’m all for Boop being so strong it pushes people into another match.

/Boop! “Guys? Why did a Rein just fall out of the sky?! I thought this was 5v5 game.”

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Nah. If someone falls into the category of “Mercy Player”, and not just someone who plays Mercy sometimes, then they don’t care enough about a tiny reduction to Damage Boost to get them off of Mercy.

Heck, you could just remove Damage Boost altogether for all this Mercy Player cares. Or have it be a self-boost only, put it on a resource meter, and have it act like a burst heal; or even just have it play an extended Wambulance™ siren or fart sound, and I’d find it more “fun” than Damage boost.

Almost every post I see about the “nerf” is from Mercy haters gloating and cheering it, or gaslighting posts like this. I hardly see any complaints from Mercy mains.

The laughable part is that not only is this NOT a “nerf” to Mercy herself, but with the buff to McCree and nerfs to armor, dmg boosting is going to be even worse against tanks and it’s going to be even easier to peel for her.

Can’t wait to see the forum rage asking for Mercy to be deleted LOL!!!



I can only speak for myself as someone who hasn’t complained at all. I do have to admit that I am beyond tired of seeing threads about Mercy. She’s almost always been decent, granted, with such limited support numbers they all have to do their best to be decent. I’ve always felt that people vastly overestimate how easy Mercy is, and it gets exhausting having people tell you that you suck (you’re boosted, you don’t deserve to be your rank, go play something else because this is a fps, insert insult about player here.) because the hero that you really like is different. It’s also just really annoying to have to adjust to changes to the character that you enjoy so often because it seemingly only takes a few people to start a tirade about her before things snowball.

The truth of the matter is this, I’m not for any character being hard nerfed, I’m not for any character being sledgehammered, I’m not for any character being changed beyond recognition, and I’m not for playstyles being deleted. When the roster categories are so small, add to them, don’t take away what makes characters unique. I’m not saying that nerfs aren’t ever helpful, because that would be a lie, I just wish that people would take meta into account more often and realize that some heroes do better in certain metas. Most of those are dictated by the tanks who are most viable at the time.


It’s so comical how sooo many players absolutely hate Mercy and have no respect for this hero… unless they are being pocketed by her.

I was busy today and slept when I got home, I’ll get send u some games in the mornin. u got a discord u want me to send them to or u js want me to send them here ?

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It would be comical, if it didn’t result in “massive nerf by multiple papercuts” kind of thing.

Like Blizzard are hoping, that Mercy mains have very bad memory and won’t notice, if they do it slow enough.

Very well said. Poetry.


Wait, are you the real LazyPeon?

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yes go ahead and send em to me on here

I played mercy on 2nd round in both games, I’m still playing so I’ll have another 1 maybe

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i think 2 are fine, ill watch them now

Problem is, community largely hates anything unique, that isn’t a cliche part of FPS.

Sniper? Good. Shotgun guy? Good. Medic, that spends almost as much time shooting enemies, as anyone else? Also good and also not exactly unique.

Builder, that can focus on building? Pff, don’t be ridiculous, it’s FPS, your focus on shooting bad guys is mandatory.

Support, that can focus on treating teammates? Are you crazy, it’s FPS, everyone has to shoot red team.

Such heroes can be added, but will be constantly demanded to be very weak, to not make everyone else doubting their “true way” of FPS. And Mercy is quite an example of that - number wise, she isn’t anything special: resurrect is one of rarest abilities per game being used(and even less used with success), single target healing also isn’t impressive(somewhere in the middle), and damage boost looks quite pathetic, when compared to discord orb(you need ult and certain circumstances to imitate fraction of what Zenyatta can achieve with it). But there are still more demands for nerfs, despite that.

Even builder type heroes, who were largely reworked from “build staff” to “fight bad guys and sometimes deploy staff to assist you” have nerfs and nerf demands to those deployable things, despite those things not even being that powerful.


i play every support in the game, so i am going to give you tips and everything for the heroes you swap too.

also this posted on accident so im updating it still

Round 1
Heroes played: Baptiste, Lucio, Brigitte

1 minute in the match as a whole, i have 1 thing to say, GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND GO TO THE DEFENSE POINT! :sob: :sob:. you’re doing good as bap so far, but the fact you stayed back a LONG time before moving to the actual point caused the torbjorn to die and staggered your team a bit. also not just you, it was your orisa too. i need yall both to gtf off your phones LOL.

i see you going to kill ana on high ground, this was an interesting play, but not necessarily a wrong one. the only mistake you made was you stepped down from the high ground and that let ana know that she could nade you AND heal herself too, you should’ve stayed on high ground shooting at her so she had to choose whether to heal herself or anti heal you. but your team already won this team fight, especially with the nano-orisa, so your death wasn’t too much of a loss.

okay the part after this was funny, i had to giggle at least. you took high ground again which was a great choice, but genji was there too. i noticed you didn’t shoot him and instead tried going for the health pack, but got scared when he bladed so you used immo field. you were already at 200 health again with tracer dead, so next time, you should save it unless he comes in the room and slices you because your orisa needed it the most.

you and orisa needed this tip im about to give you, in that little area that used to be your spawn, you could do 2 things. A) press F to go to ur actual spawn instead of the stranded one. or B) walk to the left part of that room so you can actually leave without the enemies seeing you, because even if they do, you could still hurry to the side boxes and make ur way back to the team. pictures,

nice save on that kiriko being pulse bombed!! props to a well time immo field!

nothing to say much on lucio, hes the only support i dont play, besides the fact he wouldn’t have worked in that situation.

uhhh for your brig gameplay, i see that you are like, afking for a 1-2 seconds and then pressing your repair pack button. you put a pack on a full health torb, and your wasting your packs on the tank. when playing brig you HAVE to be taking as much area as you can with whipshot, inspire, and using your shield to both keep yourself up and to use its 3D camera to your advantage to see where enemies are coming from. brig is a non-stop hero, you HAVE to be thinking 24/7 and positioning well 24/7 or else your not gonna get value.

OKAY WELL you bashed into your teams grav, in which was a horrible idea because you then got anti naded and you wasted your shield bash, your whipshot is off cooldown and you could’ve used whipshot to proc inspire and deal damage. your ana was being flanked, so your best bet was to use shield bash as a mobility tool rather than a deal-with-tracer tool. whipshot wasn’t on cooldown STILL (use ur damn whip) so you could’ve used that 70 damage to fend her off.

pookie… the only time you used whipshot was when genji was deflecting, and even when he was in-front of you you didnt whipshot!! your also frontlining as brig which yes may be fun af but it will most DEFINITELY get you killed. be cautious.

okay that fight was funny, i have nothing to say but to just be weary of your shield bash cooldown, use it 90% of the time to escape as tip toeing around that orisa with you shield dancing would’ve gotten you to a place where u could use bash to escape. also, for the record, NEVER.EVER.BASH.A.TANK unless you KNOW you can secure the kill.

what in gods name are you doing in there?!?!

overall that fight was interesting…onto the next round

Round 2
Heroes played: Mercy

you are going to piss me off if you dont stop SHOOTING THE GLASS AND BE WITH YOUR TEAM

your mercy gameplay first fight in, doesn’t seem too bad. though your hero beam choices are weird. you should almost always be pocketing your soldier, but beaming junkerqueen in this situation isn’t too bad as you can get each others ults faster, since, soldier for some reason is all the way back at the payload even though lifeweaver is on it.

okay when the enemy team came back and you GA’d to your JQ, your beam range was perfectly fine, you didn’t need to fly straight into the enemy team LOL. your issue right now is poor GA useage and not knowing where to land, you shouldn’t always be using slingshot as just using GA and cancelling it will still provide decent useage from the air and refunds you the cooldown faster.

i… have no words.

ANYWAYS. your valkyrie in the fight was good, though you need to be damage boosting WAY more often, specifically in valkyrie. your LW’s tree of life would’ve healed your team just fine, so that was your chance to push more damage boost.

overall you did much better, there was only 1 questionable movement you did which was fine honestly didn’t hurt too much. onto round 3!

Round 3
Heroes played: Mercy

so since your DPS line up is tracer/genji here, your ideal choice is to pocket genji. however, you could’ve easily positioned better in that big corridor room where you wouldn’t be spotted, shown below.

being positioned here gave you good space as to having to fall back incase an enemy managed to get up there. while flying to him directly onto the bridge only misplaced you and gave the enemy insight as to where you are, and showing yourself to them making you more prone to damage.

for that 30 second round you did actually really amazing other than movement position mistake!! you pocketed the genji causing you guys to win the fight, it was just your ana’s mistake for not keeping junkerqueen up. good work though! onto the last round

Round 4

okay well, i just noticed that the enemy team had 4 leavers so big F to that lucio player being alone. but in rounds 2-3 you did well! not bad at all on mercy besides some questionable choices, but you need to work on your other heroes :sob:. ill leave a replay code of my mercy gameplay in a few so you could see the stuff i do

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Well how about the longer you held onto Boop, the larger the item you could move. Start with a player, move up scooters and cars, then buses, maybe small buildings, and then ultimately the entire map shifts.

/Boop! “Woot! Paris! I’m getting a pastry.”

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When I was in the room running from the genji I got confused because I didn’t know how the tracer died, that’s why I was looking around :skull:

I’m rewatched the game just now to see what you were talking about and I packed a full health torb twice….
I was in the enemies spawn just to intimidate. Gotta show dem who the big dawg really is. And I think it worked we won the round


They’ve proven they have no experience in higher ranks take nothing they’ve said in this thread seriously, anyone who’s even semi decent knows how small this nerf is