While a low level account can be an alt account there are also lots of new accounts as well that are missplaced SR default gold level while it’s a low bronze skill.
Then comes matchmaker and puts all 3-4 low level accounts in the same team securing an unwinnable game as new players running around like headless chickens. However Blizzard claims the game is 60-40% in reality it’s 99.99%-0.01% with matchmaking like these.
Therefore anything below Platinum is as good as bronze due to trash matchmaking.
Why Blizzard ignoring the fact that new accounts unless alt accounts ruin matchmaking so they should not all be put in the same group?
Too busy with ow2…
20 chars.
Because level doesn’t equal skill.
In that case let me do Aaron’s job or Geoff’s job or Dion’s job.
I have no xp but we can 1v1 and i’ll take a skills test and score higher.
Level and skill correlate up to a point. Several papers on this subject. Especially for complex tasks that require lots of memory, mistakes, and asymmetric learning. In those cases your brain draws on more grey matter and less white matter. It’s less about raw compute and more about lookups, planning, and meta-heuristics for explore vs. exploit. Lessons learned, know how, best practices. You’re going to have that more reliably with XP than 1-off tests of skill for random subjects. Source: American Psychology Association (APA) - neurokinetics and cognitive science.
The OP uses extremes to illustrate the point that this correlation should in principle exist (up to a point). Take a plat border account with 34 golden guns, 6000 comp wins, years of meta changes, every map rollout, multiple techs mastered, etc. They are gold. Now take an actual new player who can aim really well. The old border is washed and doesn’t care anymore, but could care, if things were better incentivized. The new player is just young and hungry but not necessarily able to beat the veteran in a proper contest.
Matchmaker is designed to make money, not to facilitate fair matches.
Damn… Sounds like another bad case of MMR in Competitive Play.
You, my dear and fellow Overwatch Player would definitely enjoy this game WAYYY more if MMR was removed from Competitive play.
It would also fix a lot more issues if it were removed than if it remains in competitive play.
#RemoveMMRfromCompetitive #DefendYourSR
I agree. There was a situation where enemy team new account player was smurfing and in our team, new account player was brand new and just bad. How does it happen? No idea…