Why 5v5 is a bad change

Off tank heroes like D.Va, Zarya, Roadhog and Wrecking Ball are not going to be wanted as solo tanks. Winston to a lesser extent. How can you justify jumping in or going after a Widow if it means leaving your team unprotected? Especially on defense, anyone not playing Rein, Sigma or Orisa will get yelled at to switch to a shield tank.

As a main tank, you can no longer have the off tank take over while you recharge your shield or go after a flanker. No more shatter/bomb combos or Zarya bubbles. You momentarily move your shield to protect from damage coming from one side and someone dies from damage from the other side? Expect to get yelled at. DPS are not taking care of that annoying Widow? Forget switching to D.Va to help because you’re the only one protecting your team.

Also, forget taking risks for a kill or two. If you die, your team has no tank.

But DPS queues will be faster, right?


That’s why I say this change is horribly uninteresting. There are less rotations and thought processes going on. It’s a mad frag rush now to burn down the most out of position/vulnerable.


If you listened carefully

The tanks got buffed.
It’s probably not the same as playing a solo hammond right now in open queue


The removal of tank synergy gutted me, I really liked playing the Rein/Zarya, Winston/Dva and Orisa/Sigma mirrors.

I have no idea how they are going to make the tanks feel good. As shown on stream they do not look like they are fun to play. The worst thing about the stream is that they made me less excited to play OW2.


Hammond ain’t an off tank. For that matter, you should get the idea of off tank out of your head. There will only be tanks, and they will be able to do the job.

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Well, good luck running into double sniper with your tank player on Ball.


I eat snipers. Wish them luck instead.

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I watched the whole stream. I saw tanks getting deleted.
No one asked for this change.


Ball offtank? What? Ball is main tank. sigma, dva, hog, zarya are off tanks.


No, in a lot of cases you’re going to see the opposite. In the more deathmatch oriented style of Overwatch 2, we’re actually likely to see characters like Roadhog and Wrecking Ball be MORE viable. Compositions with self sufficient DPS like Tracer, Soldier, and Sombra in combination with a Wrecking Ball or Roadhog could be an amazing composition. We’ve already seen compositions like this in Overwatch 1, and with this new style of play they could become even more prevalent.

It’s more about certain playstyles being completely dead, not about what heroes are viable.


Sure, you’re going to see less sustain based compositions, but those were already the most hated among the community. Expect faster paced, more individualistic gameplay in Overwatch 2. If you don’t enjoy that style then that sucks, you are entitled to your own opinions, but a change in playstyle doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing as long as whatever comes next is also fun.

I personally dont want my hero or my class to do damage but take away their other supporting aspects. Tanks support your team, except maybe roadhog? But he has cc. Orisa and rein, shields. Sigma, peel and shield. Ball? Pick potentional. Winston, dive and a bit of a shield. Zarya and dva can peel and do damage.

Also this wasnt your point but, i dont want tank or the main role i play be the strongest role because there is only one of them. I would rather have it be more balanced.


Call it what you want, people are still going to want a shield, especially on defense.

Arent the main tanks e.g Rein getting changes to be more “off-tank”? They are twice more powerful too.

I dont see a problem

Its not that, i mean i dont want to go into thsi but, i dont think people are good poaying with ball. And he could be seen more of a main tank if people played around him, but that snt really going yo happen anyways.

5v5 its going to be so much boring they really want to cheap out

because 6v6 processing and service fees are different for 5v5 millions of players with random spikes.

it is a lie that hosting and processing is cheap blablabla it actually has high hardware cost, its just a dumb way to make things work when theres no need to change things around like that.

this is basically diablo mobile overwatch version decision making level here.

yes they can play more strategically in theory but really the game will become one way to play almost always , it will become like a boring moba absolutely.


The problem is as a Rein main, I want to play a main tank, not an off tank.

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If your one tank disconnects or goes afk or even gets to the point late then your team is screwed.


Considering they are removing 2CP and focusing on escort style gameplay, it’s going to be less of an issue. And they are buffing tanks across the board, the off tanks more so. Zarya in particular gets a shared charges between projected and self bubble, so she can use 2 projected bubbles, for example.