Why 2-2-2 will kill low/mid rank matches

So you’ll be a nuisance, and eventually you’ll drop in SR. Especially since at low/mid ranks there’s performance based SR.

The same way they would have to rebalance several heroes, they should also change the terms of reporting. They SHOULD add “abuse of the system” to the report functions along with the change.

It’s the same as the law updating within the confines of the internet, no rule should ever remain permanent within a changing or evolving ecosystem.

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Pretty much this. If you don’t heal as Moira or Ana, then you will get report OP. Have fun dropping in rank, getting reported, and put on people’s ignore list. The OP will get the same treatment of people who one trick the old symmetra or torb.

That nice, but that didn’t stop people from reporting one tricks of old torb and symmetra. You get report and ban regardless of the rules. Ask those old one tricks of torb and symmetra if the statement of Jeff saying players can play whatever hero they want offered them any protection.

It will not kill anything. It will bring life back to the game. No change has been made since launch, like 3 years.


Role lock is terrible for the game and severely limits player freedom and yes i personally feel it would be bad for low ranked players in the longterm mabye not in the shortterm

i mean, 222 won’t make trolls disappear and that’s not the point of role queue.
That’s also ignoring that kaplan specifically addressed the concern that they wanna rewrit the matching system to avoid dps having 30 minutes queues.
That’s an issue they ar very much aware of.


low/mid rank matches are all already dead. What are you talking about?


I guess eventually you’ll become decent with Moira since you find yourself playing her so much…either that or automatically lose any game you find yourself unable to dps in. Your choice.

Great bait OP you got me hooked

maybe tank mains should have the same attitude and play DPS since tanks are in the worst spot ATM in the meta

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Then the dps Moira would sink to bronze and not be able to climb out until they start healing.

Presumably the SR will be split per class, so once that person has destroyed their tank and support SR, they’ll just queue for dps or start playing the other roles properly to climb. Problem solved.

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Okay. Then you’ll tank on your healer MMR/SR down to Bronze, where this already happens, and even we in mid-tier ranks won’t have to deal with you doing that.

Problem solves itself

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You can report anyone for anything. It all depends what people think is worth a ban. This is why some torb players just got banned and never heard anything more from it, the community didn’t want them, and blizzard didn’t care.

These players will get reported and will get banned and blizzard isn’t going to take their side since they serve the majority pretty much.

Uh… about that…

Healing doesn’t seem to matter much to performance based SR. If you want good PBSR as moira, you have to do a lot of damage, if you want good PBSR as Mercy you have to damage boost a lot, if you want good PBSR as Ana you have to land a lot of anti-nades.

Of course this is coming from looking at players who start out as heal-bots and find their PBSR is terrible. Maybe for some reason healing not at all also trashes your PBSR, I haven’t tried it, but it really looks like PBSR just doesn’t think healing is an important stat so I’m expecting you can get perfectly good PBSR without healing.

I mean, maybe this will be motivation to finally rework the PBSR calculations for support which have always been weird and not tied to actual game-winning behavior.

I saw that Eupathia

I disagree with the idea that people will be like “oh dps ques are long, let me just go throw as support.” That makes no sense to me in the first place, and I dont see a correlation to long que times for a role you like, to wanting to go and waste your time throwing on a role you dont want to play.

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I do understand

and I agree

I have mentioned this multiple times - people want to play, not sit and wait; and dps players will start queuing for non-dps roles when the waits become long, and when they get in as a non-dps, they will play the character like a dps

ie, not solving the problem that 2-2-2 was allegedly going to solve

I see dps-like tanks (hog, hammond, dva) and dps-like supports (Moira, Zen, Lucio) becoming picked FAR more often than they are now if forced 2-2-2 goes in

doesnt have to be forced, and it shouldnt be

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Especially since pointing out non-healing Healers is a community specialty.

In the beginning it may be a horrid experience for low bronze but throwing as a healer is not sustainable. Faster queue times mean more matches that are thrown, more reports more chances to get banned (not just avoided or suspended but banned).

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If it is a report not based on an action specifically defined as being reportable, filing a report - a false report - is breaking the rules of the game

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this statement makes the assumption that the other team wont have dps players playing “tank” and “support” characters as well

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