Why 2-2-2 will kill low/mid rank matches

2 tanks and 2 healers every game is absolutely not comparable to call of duty. Id argue most 4-5 dps comps have more similarities like lack of actual teamwork for example.


and over a very short number of games, they will get banned from reports.

Just sounds like a growing pain.

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if you get moira and dont heal thats trowing so you will be reported and bronce in healer sr.


actually its not. as long as you are trying its not thowing. the definition of thowing is PURPOSFULLY losing a map by running into the enemy team and dying or jumping off the map.

Also separting sr would have to rework the way that comp points are given out at the end of season. Also separated sr is really broken. Think about how much top 500 would move round now that everyone (technically) has 3 accounts for comp

then i supose taking soldier and only healing is not trowing.


Lul at the people that believe their false reports will solve this problem. Ha ha ha… They are so confident too. Man, once reality hits it will be really fun to read their threads.


diffrence there is 76 isnt made to heal in any way. When you pick 76 and just heal your not doing anything because hes not made to heal

moira was made with being able ot dule flankers in mind, if she wants to go out and dule all the flankers then she should be able to.

if they did’nt want her to be doing damage they would’ve given her terrible damage,

also moira offers nothing to the team other than damage and healing so she will be needing to be assisting in kills

also a 76 only healing would be ignoring the enemies, No character does that. as moira dps’ing you still have to pay attention the enemies and to your team, if your team moves back you do too.

dps moira CAN get value, a 76 only healing cannot.

not to mention dps moira can be played simularly to zen. if I want to only be healing by exclusivly using healing orbs well then i’m basically doing what zen does… because he only heals with his orb

and let me add this

I dont play moira I’m not going to be doing this in my games.

I play support, even if I did play moira the point of this post is too step into the shoes of a frustrated dps player

not to mention dps moira can be played simularly to zen. if I want to only be healing by exclusivly using healing orbs well then i’m basically doing what zen does… because he only heals with his orb

Blows my mind how wrong you are about this. Zen has fire and forget orbs that persist with LoS. Most of moiras burst healing potential comes from using her right click in conjunction with her healing orb.

Please stop talking about things you have literally no understanding about.


Its parallel queues, stop the fear mongering… and if you dont heal, you can be reported. Just saying. Basically, your just throwing, its a violation.


I daresay lad it seems you have lost your marbles!

More like than not, someone does that, someone gets avoided reported and suddenly they just aren’t our problem anymore :smiley: And well, most people actually want to win games, making the person that does this rare comparitively.

Gunna need a better reason than “Mah queue times!” to let the game stay with its complete failure of matchmaker that can’t cope with the “creativity” making a large chunk of games into “Well they got the right blocks and we got 3 of the same main oh fun”.

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But the role-based SR would buy you a ticket to Bronzeville. Population: DPS Moira. Chief export: 30% WR. Local temperature: Defeat° F.


Role based sr would make top 500 too problematic. everyone would basically have 3 accounts, it would break top 500

support players would average lower than where they should really be
same goes for dps and tank players

if it averaged out then top 500 would be lower than it probably should be.

most top 500 don’t even play more than one role

Well, have a t500 for every roll. And btw, gonne report that moria too.

That’s right, so T500 players would now have their main role still likely be T500. However on their other less proficient roles, many of these players would be ranked much lower.

However the system is not going to “average out” their 3 separate SRs into a single value. It will only use the 3 separate SRs for matchmaking.

So for instance, when a GM tank decides to queue as a DPS that they play on a plat level, they’re going to get matched alongside plat tanks and supports.

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I can tell that but.

In top 500 is there just going to be like TOP-PLAYER6 on the leader boards 3 times?

or would it average out so that the genji one trick averages out at gold and then is gold on leaderboards even though his sr on his dps comp is 4600

I don’t think Jeff has said this explicitly, but I’m inferring from his comments on role-based SR that there will actually be 3 different leaderboards now, one for each role.

So that T500 Genji will still be 4600 SR specifically on the DPS leaderboards only.

Exactly. People already think supports and tanks are better DPS than the DPS. So of course people will queue for them intending to play as pure DPS, which would invalidate the entire point of forcing two of every role into every team.

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I doubt that they can get any worse tbh

I’ll take a 10 minute que over a 4-1-1 any day

I report every sym 1 trick i see. What’s going to stop me from reporting a person who’s actually throwing?

You are going to drop to bronze and play at the correct level for your suppory Sr?

Got it.

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Bold of you to assume my DPS Moira is gonna lose ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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