Who's your most hated hero

tank: sigma
dps: mei
support: ana

for me it’s Ana… i took a longer break (5-6 months maybe idk before the role que) now i came back… i was in mid diamond… i fcked up my promos hard and i need some time to get back into this game… so im losing more nowdays until im going to use to this game again… im in mid plat/low plat with different roles… Ana-s can’t aim… the only thing is they are doing is random sleep dart, and the antiheal flask… so annoying :smiley:

As a Symmetra main I can fully understand lmao

Every time the enemy team has a Symmetra I always tell my teammates to focus her and her turrets as soon as they see them (cause it’s a huge advantage), but they never do and wonder why they keep dying to her. I usually just switch to Pharah, Winston, or Brig to counter her and it works for the most part.

McCree and Roadhog


Her pull is the most godawful ability to ever exist.

If you have no movement abilities and see it coming, then GG, that thing will suck you from Australia to America and you’ll get bombarded with spam damage and die.

Tied between mercy and brig.

Mercy has her own thread but tldr- she is a spoiled baby and the cause of all the problems in the game

Brig is gettin her own thread but not yet. But basically she is the amalgamation of all the problems in the game and is a spoiled baby.

Edit: how TF did someone… Whatever. I did brig:

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Doomfist than. When he does his uppercut. I rather the game auto spin to him, like it does with hook. Because I get sick and tired of being thrown around.

Moira. Not engaging to play at all. Not a lot of thought goes into her. Unsatisfying to win duels with. It’s not that she takes skill, it’s that she punishes others playing high skill heroes if they make one misstep, which you could make an argument for but it just doesn’t feel good.


My petty has no bounds. I am fueled by every minor inconvenience :triumph::triumph::triumph:

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Aside from Doomfist, a good Pharah or Hammond is pretty annoying


Pharah’s Flight Mechanic.

Closest thing to a hated “hero” for me.

Sure there are others that annoy me, but that mechanic specifically takes the :cake:


Mei, Sombra, Reaper

Tank/support main btw.

Hard to argue with that. :joy:

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FFA Moiras & Hogs :poop:

Easily doomfist. He’s the poster child for ‘low risk high reward’ dps characters.

Have a few I hate


  • Hammond: I hate playing as, with and against him, basically I suck at playing him, our teammate feeds their brains out and the enemy Hammond is a God, also see him in nearly every game.
  • Roadhog: Same as above.


  • Torbjorn (Mystery Heroes): For some reason ridiculously OP.
  • Junkrat: I swear every time I play a tank, there is always a junkrat.
  • Bastion (Mystery Heroes): Really OP (MH really hates me).
  • Doomfist: Its Doomfist, we all hate him.


  • Moira: Friendly proceeds to DPS only, enemies proceeds to completely shred our team and heal their team.


  • Any hero with CC.

Doomfist & Moira

I have 5 Heroes
Symmetra, Tracer, Genji, Widow and Hanzo
but i would go with Genji and Widow if i have to choose

For me it’s Doomfist and a good Roadhog.
I love them as characters but I have a strong distain for them in-game.

You can’t ask who’s the worst and keep them off the list