Who's lore do you love but hate but hate gameplay/kit wise?

But I have opened his hero gallery many times before, how did I never clicked on this? The skin ain’t even that bad… it’s far from being the worst but its also far from being the best
Probably because I liked stealth that much I just equiped it whenever I got it and never checked again and never even realized this skin existed

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Yeah there is better for sure, but I mean it isn’t Stealth lol.

However the skin isn’t that great competitively, the flag kinda reveals your location quite easily lol

As if his giant hitbox didn’t do that already

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Yup, because we need more obvious indicators to Bastion’s location.

Ah well. I like the skin, even if basically no one else does… glad to find someone who doesn’t despise it though lol


I like everything about Tracer except for playing against her.

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including the butt?

Definitely the butt.

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Pretty much all the characters I hate or just don’t care for mechanically I also typically hate their character, so I’m going to have to just go for the opposite:


Hate the character (which actually affects his gameplay to a degree), but Battle-Engie was one of my favorite ways to play TF2 and he’s basically that. (Moreso when he still had armor packs, but whatever he’s more offensively potent now.)

Moira. 20 characters.

Doomfist. His lore is really interesting, but him as a playable hero? Lord help me.

Ana. Great lore, overtuned kit.

Ohhhh this is easy

Sombra. A badass hacker who can literally TURN INVISIBLE and can hack PEOPLE. She’s also a member of Talon but is there for HERSELF ONLY!!!

In game - Pea-shooter of a gun and oppresses tanks/healers regularly

Squire to a Quixotic Knight, medic to heroes of yore, shieldmaiden of sweden, tutored by a german crusader, fathered by an engineer, an engineer herself and a girl with an appetite.

That’s pretty much a dream character right there. Except she’s Brig.

I love the fact she’s a mad scientist who, bc of overwatch, had her work rejected by the world, therefore she joined talon with no constraints on her work. But, ingame, she’s just cheap to play, easy and there’s always that one moira who won’t stop beaming you down in some games.
Also d.va:
What we thought: A pro gamer fighting omnic using a state-of-the-art mech.
What is reality: Tank players who onetrick her, never switch and always feed.

Well no ones gonna list Zenyatta here then :rofl:

Pharah, in either direction honestly :man_shrugging:

Zarya. Her lore is interesting but when I play her I have to hold down the fire button to hear the BBBRRRRR from her laser so I don’t fall asleep.

Genji is overhyped in lore while in gameplay land his throwing toothpicks levels annoying and makes you wish Hanzo would kill him again or blame Mercy’s witch science that reanimated him.

My guess is 1 of 3 things.

  1. The Government tampered with Echo while she being shipped across in storage (kinda follows Sigma origin with him being contained) Since Echo’s always built for helping, she just has to use the different tools she’s given.

  2. Dr Liao intended Echo’s design to be more majestic or angelic in nature. To bridge the gap between omnics and humans who can look at her say “Hey that looks beautiful” and not have her with this defect which most omnics seem to share when they get violent. It’s the look that’s ment to stop the fighting (like her duplicating into either omnic or human) not the weapons she carries.

  3. Morrison told Dr Liao he would pay her to stop making more killer death robots and she mistook it as a challenge. So she armed Echo with advance self aware learning, shapeshifting mimicry, flight, heat beams, sticky bombs, digital tron lasers and ghostly detached Rahman limbs. Morrison just gave her the money anyway afraid to tick Dr Liao since she completed her magnum opus.

My guess is 2 honestly.

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Reaper, not so much loving/hating on lore or his kit.

But in the cinematics he has abilities not in the game.

  • The original cinematic trailer his shotguns have some kind of grenade secondary fire
  • In several of the cinematics he is able to turn into a ball of smoke and fly, move fast, and ledge climb to varying degrees making him appear much more mobile then he is in game


Flying/ledge climbing

fast movement

If they gave his current wraith form more speed and the ability to fly and maybe a shorter cooldown it would give him the mobility he sorely needs. Also the grenades wouldn’t be bad either it would give him a ranged option.


I don’t really hate his kit. I like Bastions kit, but I don’t like to play him myself. To me, Bastion is the main character of the game because he has a character arc, conflict and a hopeful resolution as well as feeling like he is the backbone of the plot itself.

Most characters in Overwatch seem like they’re robots trying to act like humans, but Bastion is the only character in the roster who feels like he has some genuine humanity in him.

His cinematic is the only one that got any sort of emotional reaction out of me.


Tracer, she’s the great hero in this history but in game she is just too annoying.

try to kill her, blink blink. finally get some hefty damage on to her? recall’s and whoops your butt

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