Who would be the people you would use for a forums based exp card?

I’d pick me, grey falcon, and jelly. Between the 3 of us. I know we could balance the game far better than the devs

At worst, it’s a wash at high ELO and doesn’t make any difference.

Diamond and below, the idea of a Support that peels for teammates consistently, is so rare, that it might as well not exist.

SelfPeel, for sure.

But not teammate peel.

But then you have to buff the supports hard, but if they can self peel effectively, you don’t get dive.

Dive only works if peeling for the supports (self or from others) isn’t worth it.

Why? Dive wasn’t much an issue during the Dive meta.

Why would it be a problem now??

We lost so many support players they put in Moira and Brig.

Dive was TOTALLY a problem in the Dive meta. People left over it, and they left in large numbers.

They DIDN’T leave in large numbers in Goats. It was an area of stability. Both Google Trends and Biadu showed that.

So you got more mobility on Lucio, GA tech on mercy with an Ult that makes her really difficult to kill, Moira fade, and they could give Brig a ton of self-sustain.

Really, it’s like trying to solve for how Gold players would deal with coordinated GOATs comps.

And if they work, you don’t get Dive. Because if they work, dive isn’t worth doing.

The difference was, we were not shedding players like mad in Goats.

That’s fine, the goal isn’t dive.

The goal is no high durability deathball, and no high durability bunker.

So, Poke metas?

Poke Metas are fun. It means you have a lot of snipers though.

More like alternating between AnchorTank+PeelTank and Dive, depending on the balance patch specifics

But all comps would be medium durability, or less

You got to work out what you want the supports to do. What is their job?

If durability isn’t a thing, then healing doesn’t do anything. If you don’t like snipers, then damage boost is typicially not a thing.

If you don’t like abilities like field, then utility isn’t a thing.

You have to work out what their job is. Medium durability in overwatch typically means things melt super fast.

A team shooting at rein will melt him in less than a second, focus fire is crazy strong in the game.

If heroes melt, then healing doesn’t apply.

Well like I said, medium durability.

I.e. Somewhere around a
Rein/Zarya, Soldier/McCree, Ana/Lucio

But nowhere near DoubleBarrier or Reaper/Mei Deathball

No composition where the MOBA mechanics are overwhelming compared to FPS mechanics.

I submit myself to balance D.Va!

Then you have to make your supports more DPSes. They enable Moba mechanics.

You will need single target strong healing, and high damage supports. I’m not sure how much you want to be buffing Moira’s damage, but, that sounds like where you are heading.

The Paladins model.

Damage not doing one shots, but everyone does enough that focus fire wrecks people.

Not a huge spread on damage between roles.

Basically putting heroes like Seris into Overwatch.

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Now we’re getting somewhere

That’s the OW I like.

I’d argue they are already mostly there with “duelist Supports” I.e. Baptiste, Zen, Ana

However a draw is a win for a Support, since they didn’t die.

Moira for instance has a decent amount of firepower, but the ease of aim, and selfheal allows her to sustain through a fight with a DPS. Not to mention her “total invincibility” escape option.

Except you note she is doing garbage, you would have to buff her pretty hard for your vision, and you couldn’t do it in healing because she enables deathball.

So her damage would have to go up, like, by a lot.

Well her purple orb always kinda sucked anyways.

But really it wouldn’t take much to get there.

Since they don’t need to win duels, they just need to not die.

But that is the direction you would have to go in, and the pushback you would get would be massive.

Throwing an extra 50% of damage on her would make people cry, but that is what you would end up having to do.

Not dieing doesn’t help if healing isn’t going to keep the team up.

Oh, and of course, another mechanic with a big influx of Tank players.

The MMR matching on Tanks would go up a lot.

The quality of Tank players Supports have access to, would be considerably better

Which is effectively a substantial increase in protection