I don’t think their health should be anywhere above 150 because that’s when they’re supposed to be weak.
100 for overlord seems fair because he’d probably have more health then the usual support anyways.
For king and casino i’m not sure but 75 might be too low, one body shot from mei or one shot from ana or one hammer swing from reinhardt is all it would take.
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That actually sounds like a really cool idea
I like that a lot. It’s a way for her to keep a personal shield to protect her size by become more helpful for the team the better you play. That sounds like a really cool mechanic!
Awesome idea!
I like rewarding playstyles like that. 
It seems better and more thought out then my idea so yes.
My reasoning for it. Is they are dps that start in a mech. So I think they should have good damage with those weapons but i it shouldn’t feel like killing d.va if they aren’t tanks. It’s more of a reward for them staying alive as dps. I’m fine with 100 or more if you think it would work 
Overords mech will probably have shield health to it it would seem fitting
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Maybe we’re thinking inside the box too much, what if popping out of the mecha could be a ability that gives one of them a different skill set instead of it being a weakened state after the mecha is destroyed.
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I was thinking about that too. Like if they could hop out thier mech. And it sits where ever they leave it. The mech and the pilot have thier own health and can be destroyed. If you are alive and your mech is destroyed it sits on a long cooldown. That could open up some really cool kit possibilities
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I’d give that to Overlord. It’d fit well with my anti air switch hero idea I had a while back. I won’t go into all the details, but the idea was a hero that could switch between being a ground hero or a flyer. In ground mode, they did full damage to everyone. In flight mode, they did reduced damage to ground targets but had abilities specifically designed to shut down other flying heroes, e.g. Pharah.
Let Overlord switch in and out of Mech as needed, unless the mech is killed then he needs to build it back up like D.Va does when she loses hers.
When not in his mech, Overlord can be a respectable ground combatant with some decent abilities to help in ground fights. In his mech, he has permanent flight and has abilities specifically designed to take out other flying units, stuff like lock on missiles that chase down their target, for example, that can’t lock onto anything unless it’s at least 2 meters off the ground.
Say the other team is running Pharmercy pretty hard, get yourself on Overlord, wreck them, ditch the mech for a bit to help more effectively on the ground, then if they try to Pharmercy again, hop back in your mech and wreck them again.
I mean he might still be pretty effective in his mech. He does have a minigun xD
But I can see his mech being automated for doing something like that 
Another mech hero is a bit repetitive and bland…
Make someone from MEKA that’s not on a mech…
Like a machine-handy hero.
MEKA is famous for gundam(?)-like technology, so have someone that sends out mini robots (or drones) that jumps around other players if ordered, giving them specific buffs/heals/barriers or etc.
Some dude girls are falling for him for some reason
I think you may be thinking of dae
he’s cute
D.Va’s fellow eSportsgrill who played on her team. The fanbase likes to have wet dreams that the two are in a romantic relationship because their bean bags are beside each other.
You can’t deny her mech is a awesome hulkbuster suit regardless of your thoughts on shipping lol
I never said anything about the mech. I just meant that (a portion of) the fanbase is obsessed with her and D.Va being in a relationship. Her mech is cool, I’m not gonna disagree with that.
But there are two problems with adding her.
1: People would then start asking for the entire MEKA squad, and if Blizzard followed through, it would mean they’d spend a lot of time on them instead of creating other heroes.
2: The MEKA squad in general could end up feeling like a bad copypasta
I think a large content drop of them together could be pretty cool personally. 
What’s a copypasta?
It’d be cool, yeah; but they’d still have to make that many different heroes instead of others. Even if the community could wait for them to make that many heroes without any other new ones during the usual period, in place of a “character pack” - it’d still inevitably get people complaining when released that it’s “all just MEKA characters” and such.
No they would still add in the normal other ones. Blizzard just temporarily puts in more resources to the overwatch team to make the MEKA Squad Content drop be one of them.
It’s basically the same schedule but one hero release it’s the whole squad.
Honestly someone will complain about everything there is no making everyone happy. But this would be really cool and a lot of people would love it