Is that the dude in D.Va short or is it someone else?
EDIT: I know who she is now. No need to answer again and again and again.
Is that the dude in D.Va short or is it someone else?
EDIT: I know who she is now. No need to answer again and again and again.
Lol you should know better by now, people never want the male characters, it’s all about the waifu.
Well, they’re thinking with their heads at least…
… just not the right one…
Actually plenty want casino, overlord and king too. The whole squad looks great
some meka grill from that garbage dva cinematic
Garbage D.Va cinematic? Where? Did she get another one?
She’s not the mechanic if that’s who you are thinking of. That’s dae
So have you seen the short? In it you will see short moments of showing the other members of the MEKA Squad that is a part of. One of those members is Yuna Lee aka D.mon.
She has a history with where they went from same esports team to same squad. Chu described her personality as tough and protective. Kinda the opposite of bubbly She has a competive rivalry with
She pilots a red mech with a a shield on each of its arms. Her mech looks similar to hulkbuster from the avenger movies. It’s the shield of the MEKA Squad and appears to be an anchor tank. If you go to the new busan map and are playing on the MEKA Base. You can find her mech to look at in detail. It’s the red one one that’s about 1.6 times the size of It’s pretty huge.
Here is a picture of it and the other mechs. They are all pretty different with each meant to take on a unique roll for the squad and thier own personalities.
Chu has also given us other bits of insight but they are a pretty cool team and each has some really interesting traits to them. D.mon is my personal favorite of the bunch. I like the shield/ brawler anchor tank theme she is built around
Honestly I love the whole squad.
Here is a video intro for the squad.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask
20 characters
The only character from that cinematic that deserves joining ow is casino. Rest of them should be ignored.
Of course! All things meka I love
idk. If D.Mon is an anchor tank I’d be all about that. I love my Rein and even Orisa but another good anchor would be good.
Basically a Dva clone.
Another shallow character we barely know anything about, that solely exists as waifu bait with no real personality or redeeming qualities.
Watch casino is tied to maximilien. No way they both are a part of the gambling scene and the Monaco connection. Is a coincidence. I think he will be the character that bridges meka to the rest of overwatch
It was a joke, i actually wouldn’t mind the whole squad but they look too tanky so there might not be much variance in role.
Since we can’t go by personally (a daily reminder to myself that overwatch lacks lore) i’d say overlord’s mecha looks the most interesting to me.
Some MEKA fan
She wants to give D.mon range for a tank, so I’m down.
I figured. I’m cheering for the whole squad. D.mon is just my personal favorite
I think overlord won’t be more than 250 as a support, but I think casino and king are dps. They will probably give them more health to balance thier hitboxes but without any defensive abilities like tanks. That way they can be dps instead of tanks.
I think it will definitely be interesting to see how they go about it though. There’s no doubt they do have thier own individual roles. I’m cheering them on
With d.mon’s mecha i could picture it being a tank/brawler type with a lot of hp, almost juggernaut style, meaning the mecha using it’s brute strength.
I hope one of them is a dedicated air to air fighter, maybe Overlord, as that mech looks like it’s designed around flight. Like, nearly constant flying but weak vs ground targets yet very strong vs other air targets, like pharmercy or other Overlords.
That’s what I get from hers too. Which would be awesome. I hope they would give it some cc resistance. It could be explained by her size
You would be happy to know that overlord is actually a flying mech with 4 drones. It was named after a flying recon/support unit in Starcraft
Even in its hanger it doesn’t touch the ground