My favorite forum main is…
What do all of the people main…?
Well, since I’m oblivious, I’m going to say Mooshpaw and Ha- Pharah, and probably Chibifox and Electro. And HiddenVoice.
But, WHO ARE THE MERCY MAINS I must know now.
Sombra mains seem to be pretty reasonable. Despite being a pretty bad hero statistically we never ask for crazy buffs. Usually just small reverts or QoL changes. MooshPaw is the only regular on here I see that’s a Sombra main. If there are others I’m forgetting I’m sorry
This is what I get for not posting much anymore. ;_;
Shoutout to all the old Tracer main cult. I miss lots of those guys. EMC73, Joey, Joshua, Ninthfiend, CoolUsername, Doritodiet, and kinda/sorta Conflaguration - not sure if he specifically mained Tracer, but he was an ally nonetheless.
And an actual truckload that I’m forgetting, of course.
Well, Ryan and I get along famously (we may not always have the same views on OW, but when someone is such a great person it doesn’t really matter at all), and I have a soft spot for my favorite nice ChibiFox!
I respect that you replied directly with a fairly valid counterpoint - and like I said in other comments, I generally agree that you are a nice and friendly person.
My problem with you as a person is a position like:
When in reality, even compared to ruthless organizations, this layoff in record profits was hugely morally bankrupt. It’s such trash behavior that it’s very rare, even though there’s tons of corporations that have borderline evil practices. If you google: “firing people in record profits”, Google’s front page is ONLY about the Blizzard’s 2019 layoffs. That’s how unprecedented this is - but you express mild discomfort about it.
I mean, even today, less than two weeks before Christmas it looks like Blizzard laid off their whole EU esports division:
Most organizations wait until the new year. That’s just common decency. And we’re in a pandemic - if I were you I would feel more than “not very keen” on that.
I guess I don’t like you and am surprised that people do because I think it’s important to call out garbage when I see it and I don’t respect people who explain it away or downplay how bad something is.
To clarify, its not a job, I do not represent Blizzard. I am a member of the community working to make a positive impact in our community. I would also judge his criticism to be fair to a certain extent.
Sadly this was foreseen coming in the last few months. It was known for quite some time that Activision Blizzard Games was working to consolidate a LOT of their operations across all companies, not just esports. With a growing global demand to organize esports into online-only competitions, and the pandemic literally shutting down live events, I knew there was going to be tough decisions for game developers, publishers, and supporting companies alike.
Let me be honest, it sucks and it is unfair to some of these people. I also know it is not just Activision Blizzard. OGN (one of Korea’s premier esport production companies) has shut down this year and Nintendo is perceived as treating their esports and content creator communities very poorly (I don’t have enough context to effectively comment on them though).
I do try to stay away from more of the “business” side of how video game companies run mainly because I see this terrible mashing of logical decisions between deciding what is the best interests between shareholders, employees, and consumers. I used to work for one of the companies in the BANDAI NAMCO group, and I quit because I was felt like I was not able to pursue opportunities that were originally being promised to me. So after hitting the reset button, returning home (to Wyoming), I spent the last four years working to complete a college degree in graphic design. I am now where hopefully new opportunities will be coming before me to pursue. (More on that another time.)
In the end, I still respect way more things that Blizzard as a developer studio does than what overarching corporate decisions make us all go “what the hell?” I still love Overwatch, for the video game that it is and for the incredible people who put time into it. I think I have had the unique opportunity to have talked with many of the people who make this game, and I firmly believe they are proud of what they have accomplished and they still remain passionate about what they do.
It is perfectly fair for each of you to hold Blizzard (or any other video game company) accountable for their actions. Whether that means continuing to support them or clicking the uninstall buttons, that is purely up to all of you. I try to enjoy video games for what they are, like video games, and try to let my own life be inspired by the stories games tell.
Nope. I do get a free hug with some of my Blizzard acquaintances at BlizzCon if I am able to attend live.
I spent whatever amount of free time (usually taking a break between work, school, or waiting for my next Competitive match in Overwatch to chime in where I feel appropriate to do so.
When I refer to “representing Blizzard” I cannot and will not make promises to fix things, or give insight to what is coming for Overwatch. I started doing what I do because Blizzard helped me back in the Fall of 2016 fix some really nasty technical issues and I learned so much from the experience, I now help others. Its engaging and it makes me feel more connected to the community. The green text is merely an endorsement from Blizzard when I am helping someone with technical issues. Learn more about the MVP program here: