Who is the worst hero in each role, and how would you buff them?


  • S76: A set of training wheels, so not something flashy. And a kit that revolves around sustain damage is not gonna be good anytime soon.


  • Roadhog: Because he is the riskiest one of the bunch. Sure Hammond has a more aggressive style, but you can’t gain ult charge from his adaptive shield, and Mine field is actually scary. Roadhog is either a force to be reckon with, or a ult battery.

That doesn’t mean he is not fun to play.


  • Mercy: Another set of training wheels, but this one is actually good. She is boring to play but because of her sustain healing, she is the best. However, she can’t heal tanks as fast as Ana or Moira, and damage boosting doesn’t give her ult charges anymore, and in this tank heavy meta, it is better to pick Zen or Lucio over her because of their other utilities.
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worst in tank: orisa. I rarely see her viable for any map except for the ones you can pull people off. She’s just so slow

worst in dps: Symmetra. Turret do the work. “niche” i guess. She can either be junkrat #2 or zarya #2 but kinda like a rip off version lol.

worst support: There isn’t really a bad support because all of them are useful. But if i had to argue for one it would be zen because he usually has to be babysat by the main healer. Doesn’t have great heals except for in trans so this makes up for that. And sometimes he’s not as fun as the others.

ZEN the worst healer?

wow I guess all the OWL players/teams are fools then

In master and GM moira is actually worse than mercy

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Worst 2 dps
Bastion- it’s because he’s a stationary target that needs to be babysat also sentry makes it hard for Blizzard to buff him

Sombra- hack and emp makes it difficult to buff her because she can break the game

Worst tank
Orisa - overshadowed by rein except during her release when people were trying her out

Worst support
Brigette- sucks outside of goats and keeps getting nerfed to end goats making her even worse outside of goats


just said how trans compensates for his healing orb. And i also said i don’t have a problem with any of the supports but if i’d have to chose it would be him because of lack of defense and escaping abilities :man_shrugging:t3:

Yeah… I think Doom is really, really bad right now. He needs some buffs, badly.

Worst Damage Hero: Sombra


Why: There a few core issues with Sombra which not only makes her ineffective but makes it difficult to buff her.

  1. She’s incredibly reliant on her teammates in order to truly be effective yet her kit doesn’t fully reflect that. Primarily, this is due to the visual indicators for hack being awful and barely visible.

  2. Due to her translocator essentially being a get out of jail free card, it’s difficult to buff the rest of her kit. If you were to buff the rest of Sombra’s kit without properly addressing her Translator than you can easily end up with the case of her being high reward, low risk.

  3. her now invisibility while much easier to use, feels a lot more limited. The infinite cloak means you no longer have to worry about running out of cloak. However, a single point of damage will break it thus severely limiting your mobility while cloaked. In my opinion, this easily leads to Sombra having a far more passive playstyle.

  4. she has a powerful ultimate at the cost of the rest of her kit which often times makes her feel like an EMP bot as sometimes it’s simply easier to just farm Ultimate charge.

  5. For a stealth character, Sombra feels rather loud sometimes which makes it difficult to sneak around.

Solution: Now that I show the problems with Sombra, let me introduce some potential fixes.

  1. add better visual and audio cues to hack. As many people have suggested before, purple sugar skulls above the enemy’s head would be a perfect replacement for Hack’s current visual cue as it’s not only much more visible but is distinct as well meaning there shouldn’t be any confusion about what it does. Additionally, giving Sombra an extra voiceline such as “[Hero’s name] hacked” would be a good audio indicator as well giving your team more incentive to try and kill them. Finally, I think adding temporary wall hacks unto a hacked target would make hack even more beneficial as it allows another flanker such as Genji or Tracer to chase down a hacked target should they try to escape. Essentially, I’m trying to incentivize Sombra’s teammates to take advantage of a hacked target without the whole team having to be in voice chat.

  2. Replace Translocator with another ability. By removing her instant escape option, it makes easier to buff the rest of her kit such as her gun since she’ll be much more vulnerable.

As for the ability that will replace it: Decoy. Sombra will send out a holographic copy of herself out with 50 health which fizzles out after 5 seconds. Cooldown is 8. However, should an enemy kill the decoy than it will leave behind a corpse and a kill feed will appear for the enemy team although they won’t gain any ult charge from it. Now I feel like Decoy can be a more difficult yet more versatile ability compared to Translocator.

Amongst the possible uses are

As an escape tool: Even though you’ll probably need to use stealth in conjunction with decoy and you’d need to use decoy out of site so that the enemies don’t realize you’re using decoy, I still feel like decoy could be used as escape tool despite being much more difficult to use.

Faking your death: The potential to trick the enemy into thinking you’re dead is incredibly useful because that means they won’t be worrying about you. Let me use an example. Let’s say you have EMP ready but the enemy Lucio and Orisa both have their ultimates ready. Lucio and Orisa knows that you’ll only activate your ult in order to counter theirs which means that they’ll only use their ults when they think it’s safe.

Though if you could trick them into thinking you’re dead when you’re really not than you could bait out their ultimates.

Baiting out abilities. I mentioned this before with ults but decoy could be used to trick others into wasting abilities on a hologram such as McCree’s Flashbang or Genji’s dash.

Acting as bait. If there’s someone who acts incredibly aggressive than you can use a decoy to trick them into overextending by using a decoy as bait.

As a distraction. This one seems like the most obvious.

Tricking the enemy team in thinking you’re alive: just like how there are benefits in others believing you’re dead, so to goes to others believing you’re alive. If you even seen a paranoid player in TF2 than you know what I’m talking about. They’re worried so much about the spy that they don’t pay attention to anything else.

  1. Drastically modify Stealth. Stealth 3.0 will now run on a resource meter draining 10% power per second (a 10 second duration at full charge) and will grant Sombra a 175% movement buff while active. Should she take damage while invisible, Sombra will appear faded for one second before turning invisible again. When not in use, stealth has a 2 second cooldown before it begins to recharge at a rate of 20% per second thus making her cooldown anywhere from 3-8 seconds depending on how much cloak she used up.

Now while this will make stealth harder to use due to no longer being infinite, it will be easier to use as players don’t have to worry about their cloak breaking if they get shot. The Resource meter also means that if you only need to use stealth for a short time such as making a quick escape or chasing down an enemy, you still have the rest of your cloak needed if you need to activate it. Finally, returning the extra speed will make it easier to chase down low health targets.

  1. Increasing the cast time ult charge requirred for emp would be the easiest nerfs towards it. Though a better and more interesting option would be to add more counterplay to.

For example Mei’s cryo freeze, Zarya’s bubbles, Orisa’s fortify (doesn’t affect supercharger or barrier), Reaper’s wraith form and Moira’s fade all grant immunity to EMP while active. Mei’s ice wall can be use to block an EMP. Of course, they’ll need to use their abilities before you EMP but you get the idea.

Similiar to translocator, nerfing EMP makes it easier to buff the rest of her kit. It should also help encourage a more active playstyle instead of simply being an ultbot.

  1. make her footsteps quieter and revamp the whole sound system. From what I’ve experienced Overwatch doesn’t pay that much attention on how far away sounds or where they occur exactly. Doesn’t matter if Sombra is 15 meters away or only one, her decloak volume is going to be the same no matter what. Now I could be wrong but that has been my experience in Overwatch.

As for how this new sound system will work

Certain sounds will be quieter the further away you are from them.

Louder sounds will muffle quieter sounds. The bang of a sniper shot will muffle the noise of footsteps or a decloak.

Walls will reduce sound that passes through them by 50%

Ult sounds remain unaffected.

Offense Hero: Sombra and Doomfist.

Defense Hero: Torb and Sym. (for Obvious reasons)
Tank Hero: Hammond.
Support Hero: Mercy, as in not more so that she is the worse, but she could use a small buff.
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Tank: hamster
Support: Moira
DPS : sombra

Hamster feeds a lot even compared to hog
Moira’s play style encourages people to DPS which tilts me to death
Sombra…is just sombra I regret maining her for all the seasons

DPS: Sym. I think she’s actually substantially worse than before her rework. Her ult needs to go back to being teleporter and she needs RMB back to going through shields. Probably the worst character in the game right now.

Tank: Hammond. He just doesn’t really seem to do anything most of the time. He can stall to some degree but he’s so lacking in damage that it doesn’t really contribute much. Ult is decent but it’s not up often enough.

Support: Ana. None of the supports are bad. I think Ana is very slightly worse than the others due to her inconsistency, though she can still be good against some comps.

DPS - Sym
Tank - Orisa
Support - Hard one between Moira or Brig…

Forgot to add buffs and nerfs:

Sym - She’s just a gimmicky hero. Rework abilities
Orisa - Low mobility is reallllyyy bad in this game. She can’t push up and be as aggressive as Rein. A passive mobility?
Moira - Give her 1 utility ability. All she does is Heals or damage. she brings nothing unique support wise

I see alot of you think Hammond is the worst tank.
I think he’s easily top 3 for me.

Ana is the worst in your eyes? very unpopular opinion.

DPS : Junkrat what the hell is this hero it’s impossible to hit anyone at less than 10 meters if you’re not spamming oh god poor Jamison

Tank : Dude just give Winston a new spell this gorilla needs a PRIMAAAAAL PUNCH to add some visual depth to it and help him ou

Support : Probably Brigitte atm but I think she could be more viable and better designed as an actual off tank so… does it count as a support ?
If not then tweaks Moira they really need it

Symmetra, go back to 6 turrets with lower HP, lower damage per turret and a shorter cooldown so it’s easier to throw them. It would be more damage over time overall.

-revert ult to Resurrect
-remove invulnerability during resurrect, replace with 30% (?) damage reduction
-cast time of 1-2 seconds
-add free movement/no movement speed reduction
-add an e that provides burst healing or a cleanse (removal of conditions (freeze, stun, anti-heal, etc)
-increase base HPS to 60

-increase damage of shield bash from 5 to 25

-add 50 armor

-allow primary fire to put out fires on teammates
-increase icicle firing speed (not the projectile - the animation to fire it)

-decrease defense matrix regeneration time
-decrease mech head hitbox size just a smidgen

These are just my opinions of the worst out of who I play since I feel like I have more knowledge of the heroes I play compared to heroes I don’t.

Damage I’d definaly say Sym and Torb… that comes from their design however beiung builders.
Torb still has to not get to far away from his turret for it to provide cover fire and to repair it… I feel a way for him to repair it on range could be an idea.

Sym… honestly… with her straight beam she could use some more survivability, because outside from farming slow tanks, she barely gets the thing up to full charge now maybe adding another 25 shields to her, raising her HP to 225 coud help with that.

Tank wise… I would say Hammond because he’s pretty much just a mess of different things with a large health pool and more focused on distruption than Protection which the Tanks generally fall back to… but I’ll say Orisa… esspecially with the upcomming armor nerf hitting her really hard… that one could be eased off with another 50-100 HP or Armor. Maybe show how long her shield takes to expire and allow her to refund it to get it off cooldown faster to be able to move it more quickly (one of the reasons why she doesn’t actually compete with Rein as well.

Support… Definitly Brig… Mercy has been hit extremely hard but Brig is currently getting to an even more efficient grinder, more quickly. Most of her nerfs were directly or indirectly made to get rid of GOATS, and with her Armor and healing getting nerfed I feel like she would already have a better spot again if she got her 50Dmg Shield Bash combo back to at least be able to actively scare of Flankers from her backline, now that Armor takes one hit after another.

The worse TANK is roadhog. He is a ult battery to the other team, His ultimate is BAD and the only STR he had was kill 200 HP heros if they were out of POS but now he can’t even do that property. So avoid play HOG even orisa is less trash than him.

The worse HEALER: Zeny hands downs. He is only usable on coordinate high rank teams, his Heal is weak, He can be countered extremely easy by genji, tracer, sombra, winston, dva. Sadly his ult is not ready every 10 secs and the orb of discord is not enough reason to bring him over a MOIRA.

The worse DPS: Sym probably. Sym is the best character on the game to DEFEND points but she sucks horribily for attack and her ult is useless lol

Tank: Orisa. Some of her problems could be eased with a support or two or a tank buddy that works well with her… but… literally no one is scared of just waltzing through her shield.

To the end of addressing that… I suggest buffing her quick melee to 50 damage and using Fortify buffs it to 70. Make it so people don’t just waltz through her shield because there’s a 70 DPs metal knuckle sandwich waiting for them on the other side.

Support: Mercy. I have numerous problems with her and numerous potential changes/reworks.

I… should probably say Doomfist. Problem is that I don’t really want a semi tanky, very mobile, 1 shot machine to be viable.

In lieu of that: Soldier. He’s not… bad per se. He just doesn’t really have a reason to be picked over the rest of the DPs Cast. In my opinion the way to buff him into at least semi relevance is to nudge him towards being a DPS who’s sorta also an off healer. So buff Bio Field from 5m radius to 10 or 12, and reduce the CD from 15 to 12.

Other DPS is probably Reaper. Reaper does not need 50% life steal, he needs his E to be redesigned. Still have it do a similar thing but make it not the most clunky ability in the game.