In the animated short Honor and Glory, we see 3 crusaders. Reinhardt, Balderich and a blonde lady with a pony tail.
When Reinhardt charges in alone to fight the OR-14, the crusaders get distracted and as more OR-14s drop from the sky, the female crusader yells “Heads up, more of those things !” and is crushed by an OR-14 jumping on top of her. Is she dead? Likely but not confirmed. She stays on the ground afterwards and doesn’t seem to move and on this frame
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we see her armor, in the red circle. Keep in mind that at this time, Reinhardt is still lying on his back on the floor after the OR-14 he tried to solo pushed him. So who is this…4th crusader who came out of nowhere and whose armor is an exact copy of that of the female crusader who just got crushed?
Crazy theory time : there are two female crusaders in this unit and they’re twin sisters. Where did the second one come from? No idea.
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In the back by the window we see a short hair blonde woman. Then 15-20s later we see the same person in the same armor going towards the window
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…where she already was supposed to be and finally 20s later she’s by the exit
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ready to go and when she turns around you can see it’s the same armor.
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This is very confusing. How could she move so fast AND so quietly with that huge armor and…why did she move that much in the span of a minute??
So. Are there 2 blonde ladies in the Crusaders, possibly with the same haircut? With the same armor even though it seems (looking at Balderich and Reinhardt) all Crusaders have their own, custom armor?
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in the red circle, a foot, and look at the other crusader in that screenshot, same foot armor. So it seems like there are two of them, even though there were only three shields here
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I would love a dev answer on that and I hope it hasn’t been asked before ( I have looked and found nothing).
If the twin sister theory is correct (as wild as it is)…then damn, a woman saw her twin sister get crushed to death in front of her. That’s pretty brutal (i cried a bit when I noticed the 4th crusader thing…well, a lot).
Thanks for reading, sorry about the many links but they’re necessary so you get what i’m talking about and damn if that “no links” rule is stupid. So stupid. Almost made me want to delete my post and save it for reddit instead :S
I assume it exists because a few people abused it but damn, punishing everyone just to get to a minority of users…anyway, sorry, hope you enjoyed the post and got through all my screenshots