Who is “famous” on the forums?

And here I was thinking you were just a fan of a certain very old adventure/puzzle game series. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t really mind going unnoticed tbh. It allows you to be more polarizing without people recognizing you lol

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Well, to be blunt… I’m not here to be “universally loved” by this community, and never was. I’m here to voice my opinion on Mercy’s current state, and how I and many others find her rework to be a complete failure.

Whether people decide that it makes me or Aria “The Controversial Mercy main” is subjective and unimportant. However, just like there are people who find Mercy to currently be fine, there are a lot of people who aren’t happy with her and are either too afraid to say it in fear of how others perceive them in these forums, or are afraid of having their voice silenced and ignored. A few of us, are simply more passionate than some others, and speak our minds on the matter anyway, regardless of the criticism.

Mercy mains like Titanium, RosenAria, and I all have very similar views on Mercy’s current state, and express our thoughts on her in our own ways, so there isn’t any competition there… We’re all on the same team. :blush:

How people receive us on the topics we post is their own opinion, and they are entitled to it, but what is important is that, whether people agree with us or not, that the message on Mercy is being voiced and discussions on her are being made. And I find that to be a lot more valuable than any mere “title” or imaginary amounts of “forum fame / infamy.”

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


This brings me back, the TCG ruleset was so much better back then. Even won a tourney while all the good people were away at the state championships.

Theres a lot of people that you just recognize after a while


(I feel fine as long as I don’t see my name in those “famous” lists)

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What was that?


Yea… I’m pretty introverted as well… :sweat_smile:


Ginger, HealsGood, HANA, Titanium, RosenAria, RIchC, Xavvypls, Serenicus, and JellyandJam.

Yeah if this was Metal Gear you would’ve lost weeks ago xD

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Not a problem. You are one of the few people who have a discussion for the sake of coming to an understanding instead of to win an argument. Valid points are acknowledged when you see them.

Mark of a real thinker.


No one on here is really famous. There are posters who are more recognized and well known like JellyandJam, SunsetHippo, RichC, Fragehardt, Reaper, and me (sometimes). Most of the people who are really well known are well known for one thing they did or do.

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My headcanon now is that SunDragon and SunsetHippo are long lost cousins.


Yeah far from it. Never met the guy but we are friends on xbox.

Then again when you think about it, it is possible since everyone is technically related to everyone.

See you in the next thread.

Another one on the list


I’m famous on the Bastion megathread lol

I’m also the only person to ever argue with Zaydar and come out on top


Here comes Astrobiology, the Intellectual Bastion main, A literal wealth of knowledge…

And i fear you even more because of it.


I’d say neurotic is a more accurate descriptor

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R.I.P. RichC, you will be missed


Yea, and the Fox is mentally unstable… <.< Don’t tell them i said that.


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Wait, I’m famous/infamous?