Who in their right mind thought buffing Mcree like this is a good idea?

They probably just assume that we don’t know anything about balancing so they do the opposite of what we ask.

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They won’t buff Reaper because they enjoy watching me suffer.

The problem is that Reaper needs his shadowstep reworked, also reaper doesn’t make enough damage for goats.

i say it everytime Blizzard should replace the Balance Team whit some inelligent Hamsters for 1 day and we isntant going to get better balancing

Plz Blizzard just think about it

Looks like they forgot Reaper exists so they made him counter Goats ._.

McCree is a even better tank buster now, making Reaper even more useless.

Yup I posted before that this was the wrong if not worst way to buff Mccree. Just what are you doing Blizz.

He did need a tweak… but not that tweak.

Honestly this McCree buff would have been much better before the Doomfist nerfs.

It’d make Flash+FTH a guaranteed kill on him (I believe) if you manage to catch him.

Not saying DF didn’t need his nerfs though.

Honestly, you can probably blame Tracer for this one too. Brigitte got nerfed, so the opportunity for Tracer to come back strong was there. To stop that from happening, they buff her original counter in a way that reliably deals with her across all elo’s.

And like every skill or combo intended to deal with Tracer, it’s incredibly oppressive to everyone else while she has the best chance to avoid it.

The buff is a good idea and needed. McCree doesn’t have armor, healing or really any mobility. Ashe with her dynamite can punish a lurking McCree, Hog can now reliably flank, Moira can spam damage orbs and get him, and so on so it’s important to know where he’s at and he punishes Brig deathball.

I mean they really should have never introduced Brig with her mechanics.

Same guys that thought bringing in YET ANOTHER SNIPER would be great.

can be said for much that has gone live.

(release mercy2.0, DF last time he got buffed, ana’s originally self who at time dwarfed every other healer, etc.)

morel iek they want him to actually have a proper niche to fill cause atm he fails as a tank buster to heroes like junk, hanzo, and now mcree.

ashe does this to everyone given dynamite alone is half of some heroes max health…

even prior to FtH buff his stun fth combo typically killed target unless they were a tank.

blame genji and tracer for her existence.
they required a true counter and just happens that cc burst dmg is what counters them.

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Yea definitely confused by the FTH buff. Whenever I would get picked off by a Mcree from far away I would think, “man, nice shot.” However, playing against Mcree’s that literally only hide behind corners waiting to flash/FTH you is only ever annoying. So Blizzard’s idea of how to buff him is to encourage people to play like the second example even more.

You would think that with Ashe’s positive reception, they would have realized what direction to take Mcree.

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He’s been a knife’s-edge hero for the longest time. Any nerf or buff to him would throw the balance off, but people just don’t like that for their main. Can’t be happy with it.

I get the feeling the same is going to happen with Reaper. He has his fair share of problems I concur, yet his close range DPS is so high, if Blizzard find a way to fix him getting close to enemies without dying, you’ll see a heap of post saying Reaper is OP out of the blue.

to be fair, pre-buff fth was virtually useless, as 2 headshots took the same time, less armor and did 30 more damage, without being hindered as much by armor.
I still think storm arrow is far FAR worse.

Blizz have forgot why they nerfed FoTH in the first place. I mean, it could use a buff, because it was almost nonexistent, but they should have get 45 to 50.

The 1.0 Mcree could FOTH and was annyong, but since they nerfed it, they had to buff him over the years, for faster rate of fire, better fall off, faster roll, and now, he get all of that AND can one shot FOTH anything again. This is much like what happened to Roadhog. Hook combo is now back to kill any DPS but now he also got those free buffs. The problem is not Mcree and Roadhog, is that we are facing a powercreep.

The problem is not only powercreep. Is that blizz don’t stand up to their philosophies, and so they cave in to community, then realize it was a mistake, and have to address, the more you mess, the worse it get, because every change is painful for the community.

I do think buffing McCree was necessary. However, i would have done it differently.

Old Torb was the exception.

The combination of 300 HP turret (ie, outside clip+melee range for Tracer) and armor packs made Tracer’s life incredibly difficult while Torb himself was somewhere else with his team. And it barely was problematic for other heroes. It was annoying for Genji/Doomfist/Pharah, but not in the same intensity it was for Tracer.

The main issue was that Torb’s head being the size of the moon at chest height of everyone else make him an easy target to everyone that can headshot.

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because he has been weak/below average for 2 years

why can’t they buff him? now he can fth brigitte and doomfist quite easily

the issue is that iconic ults like high noon, dragons, are always gonna be protected to some regard. the mercy mess was proof enough that changing the ult of a popular hero is a really really good way to piss off a huge portion of the playerbase, for both good and bad reasons.

the issue with his fall off tweak is that we don’t need more sniper characters, and a big problem with mccree is that he doesn’t have much protection close up, unlike most other dps.

the other thing was. FtH did need a buff. it was almost always better to just use your primary instead of FtH, in every situation. there’s no shame in realizing that it needed to be buffed back.