Who in their right mind thought buffing Mcree like this is a good idea?

Like really, there’s so many aspects you COULD’VE buffed regarding Mcree.
Ult re-design, fall-off tweak… But of all the things… this FTH buff… really?
Haven’t you learned anything from Brigitte regarding the fact that everyone hates this kind of cheese?
I’m just sad, because I feel that we’ve taken some steps in the right direction, and then immediately take twice as much steps in the wrong direction.
How could this leave internal testing, let alone PTR?


The forum.

I don’t get their obsession with McCree buff, I really don’t.
FtH to counter goats? Why can’t they just buff Reaper for that?


when you look at it reapers weak to armourmcrees buff to fth makes it super good against armour and all tanks which as you can see in recent comps runs the meta with goats and deletes brigs ult and gives him the ability to survive more.

No they didn’t. This community wanted a ult change. And actually does want Reaper buffs.


No? McCree players have asked for literally anything but a FtH buff.


Fan the Hammer during beta was the reason I refunded the game originally (And Roadhogs hook). Both felt so stupid cheap, but fan the hammer was the worst, literally spray in the general direction of someone and kill them. I only bought the game again like 6-12 months after release because they ended up nerfing it. I am glad they’ve removed Brigitte’s annoying kill combo, but to only replace it with another skill-less stun-lock kill combo from McCree that does like 2 times as much damage? facepalm.


I’m pretty active on the forums, but I can’t recall many forum users asking for this.

This is such a weird buff. All it did was lowering his skill floor by making his easy combo stronger. They could’ve easily buffed another part of his kit. Maybe his roll? Idk. This just seems like a random buff.

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Last time I check the forum, they are the only one who defended the FtH buff. Everywhere else, people hate it, most mccree mains hate it.

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once again everyone is a witness to blizz’s incompetence, but how quickly they forget about it. its sad that some individuals try and protect blizz


The. Devs. Are. Bad. At. Their. Job!


people who think they are better at being a dev should try it and make changes you would make and see how many people disagree

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I’ve been asking since forever for McCree’s roll to have a few invincibility frames. That’s a huge high tier buff that keeps his floor around the same spot, but distinguish the good and bad (and ugly) McCree’s from another.

Maybe, also allow him to roll while Deadeye is active without losing the stance.


To be honest, this feels like a “Nerf Doomfist” change. What’s they had been thinking multiple ways to nerf Doomfist and just went with “Do all the nerfs at once”.

Also to an extent, this is a “Counter Tracer after nerfing Brig” change.

But you’d think they could lower the damage, and decrease the crazy spread on it, for that.


Well for starters go look at the ptr section and look at how many times people have predicted the outcome of a patch.

Like how about brig going to live.
Bastions horrific ironclad nightmare.
Sombra having increased hack speed.
And the doomfist nerfs.

People give input but blizz doesn’t listen and they act shocked when it fails.


Don’t forget Mercy rework. Those were dark days.


characters have problems with ability’s nobody gives a crap as soon as mcree gets buffed everyone losses there sh#t okay where than are the people that mention these problems then hmmm coz i mention them to other members of the community and there the ones that ether say no theres no problem and acted shocked

actually peolle have always said power creep had benched him. It’s the same with reaper/bastion/torb they are f tier because power creep makes them inconsistent.

I’m actually for this buff.

The thing is, McCree has always been suggested as a backline protector, anti-dive, and anti-flank. But his awful damage, particularly to tanks, really ruins him for most of that. And he has other issues, like being absolutely worthless at shieldbreaking.

Now, he’s an actual threat to anyone diving his team, even Winston and Dva. He can break shields like a normal DPS. There’s a meaningful reason you’d use him over Ashe or Hanzo. His winrate has only gone to average, so he’s not even overpowered.

The only reason people are freaking out over this is because FTH has been derided as a low skill ability for ages. But it’s not any less skillful than any other easily aimed attack in the game, like Reaper’s or Roadhog’s.


never forget beta FtH


Weird, I thought that Brigitte didn’t needed to kill the flankers to be a proper counter to them. Why for McCree it’s ok to have a delete move against flankers that don’t respect his personal space? :thinking: